Page 31. End of Empire

Page 31c. France and her Colonies

Page 31a. Decolonisation | Page 31b. The Near East | Page 31c. France and her Colonies | Page 31d. The Third World | Page 31e. America and the US | Page 31f. In Memoriam

Continued from previous page, 31b.

                 France after the war
Image result for Ralph Morse - Life Magazine - bikinis in paris 1945
Sunning in Paris in August 1945
Walton Films (1945/1946)

Paris in the autumn of 1945
Silent color film footage


Les Enfants du Paradis
Three-hour movie made in occupied France during the war and released in 1945
La Mer
Song by Charles Trenet   -   a big hit in 1946 
La Vie en Rose
Popular song by Édith Piaf in 1946 and 1947
Marcel Cerdan
1916 - 1949
Marcel Cerdan (R) wins title from Tony Zale
World Middleweight Championship Fight
Champion Tony Zale of Chicago 
Challenger Marcel Cerdan of Casablanca and Paris
15 Rounds
Jersey City, New Jersey
9 September 1948 
Jake LaMotta, left, pounds Marcel Cerdan in Round 3 of a 1949 world middleweight title bout.
World Middleweight Championship Fight
Champion Marcel Cerdan of Casablanca and Paris
Challenger Jake Lamotta of New York City
15 Rounds
Detroit, Michigan
16 June 1949
Édith Piaf et Marcel Cerdan
France Mourns Marcel Cerdan
Hymne à l'amour

End of the French Empire
France and Overseas Possessions (at one time or another from 1534  to 1970)
La France au temps des colonies
Documentarie par Alain Decaux
Colonization et Decolonization
Le cas Francais

Image result for map of indo china
La conquête de l'Indochine de 1859 a 1909
French colonialists reclaimed Cambodia, taken by the Siamese in the 1400s, for the Khmers, and established Laos; the British claimed the Shan States in Burma and took two large areas in the Malay Peninsula from Siam for Malaya.
The French divided Indo-China into the five protectorates.

Image result for The five French protectorates of Indo-China, shown on a 1940 map above:

The three provinces of French Indo-China

Image result for The five French protectorates of Indo-China, shown on a 1940 map above:

The five French protectorates of Indo-China, shown on a 1940 map above:
Tonkin (1884 - 1949)
   Annan (1883–1949)
      Cochin China (1858 - 1949) 
         Laos (1893 - 1954)
            Cambodia (1863 - 1953)
The protectorates were grouped together as the French Indochinese Union in 1887. 

Related image

Administrative areas of French Indo-China in 1930
By a treaty on 10 April 1898, China under the Ching (Manchu) leased Guang-jo Wan (Canton Bay) to France for 99 years   -   to 1997. France administered it as a French colony, the Territoire de Kouang-Tchéou-Wan, from 27 May 1898.
One month later, in June 1898, China leased Hong Kong to the British with the same terms.
Colonisation francaise du Vietnam
Documentaire (1:28:05)
La perle de l'empire (1900-1945)
Episode 1
Documentaire en 6 épisodes de Henri de Turenne sortie en 1984


Destin Français

L'Indochine française (1856-1945)
Empire Colonial Français
2000 ans d'histoire (sur France Inter)
Bao Dai

Nguyễn Phúc Vĩnh Thụy (1913 - 1997), as
Boa Dai. King of Annam (1926 - 1945); 13th
and last emperor of the Nguyễn Dynasty, last
dynasty of Vietnam (1932 - 1945), abdicated in
1945; chief of state (1949 - 1955)
Emperor Bao Dai of Vietnam
France and Germany agree to an armistice

June 1940

Image result for Vichy France - Petain - in Indochina
Japanese invade French Indo-china
September 1940
The French government in Indochina allows Japan to station troops in the north of Indochina and transport troops and supplies through Indochina.
Japan's Plans in Indo-China
Regular Sunday afternoon 15-minute radio broadcast of the America Looks Abroad program bu the Foreign Policy Association

29 September 1940
The Franco - Thai War
October 1940 - May 1941
Japan attacked western Indo-China in late 1940.
In early 1941 Japan compelled the French to cede land in western Cambodia and Laos to Thailand.
Areas in Laos annexed by Thailand in 1941
and kept till 1946
Japan forced France to cede land in west Cambodia and Laos to Thailand in 1941 as indicated in the two maps above.
Conflict Franco-Thäilandais
Actualités françaises
Thai soldiers parade in Bangkok after victory over the French in Indo-China
May 1941
Japanese newsreel
Go to 08:50 mark
Victory Monument, commemorating Thailand's victory over the French indo-China in 1941, inaugurated in Bangkok in June 1942
Japanese newsreel
Go to 02:40 mark
Germany invades the Soviet Union in June 1941.
Japan invades the south of French Indo-China in July 1941.
Image result for the viet-minh in ww2
Japanese troops enter Saigon
on 15 September 1941.
Ho Chi Minh
Image result for Ho Chi Minh - Nguyen Ai Quoc (1923 photo)

Nguyen Ai Quoc (later, Ho Chi Minh),
in 1923 photo) spoke at the SFIO
Congress in Tours, France, 1920

My Own River Kwai
Cover of the book My Own
River Kwai by Pierre Boulle
in 1967

Every Free French Gaullist going to Indo-China was warned: 
If facing certain capture, try to surrender to the Vichy French. They will intern you for the rest of the war. Otherwise, try to surrender to the Japanese. They will jail you and torture you but you might survive. At all costs, avoid capture by the Viet Minh. They will kill you.
Pierre Boulle was a rubber plantation overseer in Malaysia.
When war broke out between France and Germany in 1939 Boulle joined the French army in Indo-China.
When the French surrendered to the Germans and collaborated with the Japanese in Indo-China in 1940, Boulle went to China and joined the Free French of Charles DeGaulle.
Boulle went to Vietnam to organise resistance against the Japanese in 1942. He traveled alone, going down the Mekong on a raft. The raft fell apart and he wound up in a Tai village. The Tais turned him over to the Vichy French and he spent the next two years in jail.
Boulle escaped in 1944 and joined the British SOE in Calcutta.
After the war Boulle wrote Bridge on the River Kwai, a best selling novel about Allied POWs in Burma and Siam. The book was made into a popular movie.
Boulle recounted his own experiences in the war in a book, My Own River Kwai, in 1967.
Related image
Vo Nguyen Giap with soldiers of the military front of Viet Minh (Vietnam Independence League) in Cao Bang on 22 December 1944.
In a coup d'etat, or coup de main, the Japanese ousted and imprisoned the French administration in March 1945.
71e Anniversaire du Coup de Force Nippon du 9 mars 1945
Paris, France, le 6 Mars 2016
Bảo Đại declared independence from France and renamed the country 
Indochine - la guerre oubliée
Une petite partie du documentaire
Les actualités françaises
A Madagascar, revue de la brigade d'Extrême Orient sur le terrain d'aviation de Moramanga
Le 23 Mars 1945
Image result for ho chi minh and claire chennault
Image result for claire chennault, the 14th air force, in kunming, march 1945
Gen. Claire Chennault, commander of the U. S.
Air Force in China, met Ho Chi Minh in Kunming on 29 March 1945.   
Chennault accepted the Viet Minh offer to help downed American flyers and the request for arms and training to fight the Japanese.
Arms and O. S. S. agents were parachuted over Ho's base in Tonkin.
Image result for ho chi minh ww2
Ho Chi Minh and Vo Nguyen Giap at the Viet Minh headquarters of Tan Trao in early August 1945. Giap led the military front of the Viet Minh.
Ho Chi Minh, standing, third from left, and Vo Nguyen Giap, standing, fifth from right, leaders of the anti-Japanese Viet Minh guerrillas, with American OSS agents, at the Viet Minh headquarters, Tân Trào, Tonkin, early to mid-August 1945. The OSS agents trained the Viet Minh.
Archimedes Patti
OSS, Kunming and Hanoi, 1944 - 1945
1983 interview
1981 interview
Germany surrenders to the Allies, May 1945
Potsdam Conference
17 July - 2 August 1945
Related image
Image result for allied chiefs of staff meeting at potsdam 1945
Pic of Allied Chiefs of Staff at Potsdam 1945 goes here
At the Potsdam Conference in mid-1945, the Allied Chiefs of Staff divided Japanese-occupied Indo-china into two zones of occupation at the 16th parallel with the Chinese occupying the north and the British occupying the south.
Soviets invade Manchuria, southern Sakhalin, Kuriles, Korea; prepare to accept Japanese surrender on Hokkaido
August 1945
Image result for soviets invade manchuria, sakhalin, kuriles, northern korea - 1945
Image result for soviets invade manchuria, sakhalin, kuriles, northern korea - 1945
Image result for Defeat of Japanese Кwantung Army. 9 August-2 September 1945 (map)
Soviet and Mongolian soldiers of the Soviet–Mongolian Cavalry Mechanized Group led by Soviet General I. A. Pliev crossed the Great Wall of China on 15 August 1945 and marched on Peking, joined by the Chinese Communist 8th Route Army.
Chiang Kai-shek, Chinese supremo and head of the Nationalist Chinese, recognised Mongolian independence.
By ageement with the 8th Chinese Communist Route Army, Gen. Pliev halted the march on Peking.
Image result for the soviet occupation of hokkaido 1945 (map)
There was a possibility
of the Soviet occupation
of Hokkaido.
Image result for the soviet occupation of hokkaido 1945 (map)
There was a possibility also
of Soviet control of the eastern
half of Japan. 
Image result for Schenectady Gazette (New York), 14 August 1945
The Erie Daily Times (Pennsylvania), 14 August 1945
The August Revolution
14 August 1945
Related image
Vo Nguyen Giap with the Viet Minh in
Hanoi in August 1945
The Viet Minh sought control of government in northern and southern Vietnam.

Bao Dai abdicated, afer the Japanese surrendered, on 25 August 1945.




General Philippe Leclerc, commander of the French Far East Expeditionary Corps (Corps expéditionnaire français en Extrême-Orient, [CEFEO]) and representing France signs the surrender of Imperial Japan aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay on September 2, 1945.
Image result for ho chi minh ww2
Ba Dinh Square, Puginier flower garden, One Pillar Pagoda
On the same day that the Japanese formally surrendered in Tokyo Bay, 2 September 1945, in Ba Dinh Square in Hanoi Ho Chi Minh, head of the provisional government of Vietnam, proclaimed the independence of Vietnam from France as the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and announced the formation of his government.

Uncle Ho and Uncle Sam

Episode from the 1998 BBC documentary series Timewatch
Ho Chi Minh named Bao Dai the Supreme Advisor.
The Chinese arrived in northern Vietnam on 9 September 1945.
The Chinese let the Viet Minh control the government.

Image result for japanese surrender in Hanoi 1945

Chinese Lieutenant General Lu Han, Commander of the Chinese First Front Army, centre at table, in Hanoi to accept the surrender of the Japanese 38th Army on 28 September 1945.

 Image result for General Lu Han, Hanoi, Vietnam 1946
General Douglas Gracey, commander of British forces in southern Indochina, and General Lu Han, commander of Chinese forces in northern Indochina, in Hanoi in September 1945.

Nationalist Chinese General Lu (pronounced Lo) Han (1895 - 1974), governor of Yunnan Province of China, commanded Chinese troops occupying northern Vietnam from August 1945 to March 1946. (Lu Han is not to be confused with Lo-Hsing Han, legendary Chinese warlord in the Kokang region of northern Burma.) Lu Han was of the Yi nationality (also known as the Akha in Southeast Asia). 1951 photo.
Chiang Kai-shek agreed to withdraw his forces only after the French gave in to several demands, including giving up Guang-jo Wan.

Image result for japanese surrender at singapore
General Leclerc, representing France,
witnesses the Japanese surrender at
Municipal Hall in Singapore on 12
September 1945.
The Supreme Allied Commander for Southeast Asia, Louis Mountbatten, sent British army Gen. Douglas Gracey, in command of 20,000 troops of the 20th Indian Division, to occupy Saigon for eventual return to the French.
The British arrived in the south in September 1945.
Japanese Imperial Army surrenders to Brigadier E. C. J. Woodford, commander of the British Army 32d Indian Infantry Brigade in southern Vietnam in late 1945.
Major Ahmed Khan Sarda Bahadur of the 20th Indian Division sits before a table draped with the Union Jack and accepts the sword of a Japanese officer during surrender ceremonies in 1945.
An Indian major of the 20th Indian Division, seated, receives the sword of a Japanese officer during surrender ceremonies in 1945.
As the British took control of the southern zone of occupation in Vietnam, they retained the troops of the Imperial Japanese Army (IJA) and armed French PoWs to maintain order in southern Vietnam.
In the south, the British, as planned, turned command over to the French.
The Viet Minh fought the British, French and Japanese throughout 1945 and 1946.
British General Douglas Gracey (right) relinquishes command in Vietnam to French General Jacques Leclerc. Various political factions vied for control of the country, and the situation was precarious for the French after World War II.

Related image

British Major General Douglas Gracey, in command of the Allied Control Commission in Indo-China, hands over to French General Leclerc, commander of French Forces in the Far East, with the presentation of a sword surrendered by the Japanese to the British in Burma.



1945 Leclerc arrives in Saigon


1945 Re-asserting French sovereignty

La pacification de l'Indochine

Actualités de 1945

Indo-China in 1946 after Thailand (Siam) returned land it took from Cambodia and Laos with Japanese assistance in 1941.
La guerre d'Indochine (1946)
Guerre d'Indochine
2000 ans d'histoire
Le déclenchement de la guerre d'Indochine
2000 ans d'Histoire

Patrice Gélinet avec Philippe Franchini, historien

Sur France Inter
9 juin 2005
La guerre oubliée (1945 - 1952)
Episode 2
Documentaire en six épisodes de Henri de Turenne sortie en 1984
The Chinese left the north in 1946 and the French returned.
The French arrived in Hanoi in March 1946.
The French tried to reclaim the north of Laos in 1945 but were stopped by the Chinese and had to wait for the Chinese to depart in 1946.
French General Leclerc and Ho Chi Minh in Hanoi on 6 March 1946. Ho agreed to French return in Vietnam.
The same photo? Which one has been touched up?
In the photo above, Ho and Leclerc appear alone in a corner of a hall. In the same photo, below, Jean Sainteny appears beside Ho and Leclerc.
Image result for ho chi minh and leclerc , march 1946

On the right in the photo is Jean Sainteny, sent to Vietnam in August 1945 by General Charles DeGaulle, president of the the French provisional government, as a special envoy to secure the Japanese surrender and restore French rule in Indo-China.


Ho Chi Minh, on the left in the photo, discusses the agreement with French representatives in Hanoi on 6 March 1946. 
The Ho - Sainteny Agreement (The Preliminary Agreement) (France - Vietnam Accord)
Hanoi, 6 March 1946
French and Viet Minh forces cease hostilities immediately and maintain troops in position; 
France and Vietnam to command their forces under a supreme French commander;
The French not to use Japanese forces;  
French troops, relieving Chinese occupation forces, to remain in Vietnam to 1951;
The French government recognised Vietnam as an independent state within the Indochinese Federation and the French Union;
The three regions of Cochinchina, Annam, and Tonkin to be reunited after referendums in each region and ratification by the French government;
France and Vietnam to negotiate French interests in Vietnam and Vietnam's foreign affairs at a conference in Hanoi, Saigon or Paris.  


VIETNAM - APRIL 01: On April 1946, When The Contries Forming Indochina Were Negotiating Their Independence From France, Ho Chi-Minh Troops Paraded Through Hanoi. (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images)

Viet Minh parade through Hanoi in April 1946.
The British Army under General Gracy left the south of Vietnam in May 1946.
The British left the south in stages between January and June 1946.
The French forced the Viet Minh out of Hanoi and into the jungle by early 1947.
Bao Dai left Vietnam and lived in the British colony of Hong Kong and in China.
1946 - The French re-enter Hanoi
French shell Haiphong
French governor orders fire
23 November 1946
The Haiphong Incident
On This Day
The Battle of Hanoi

19 December 1946 – 18 February 1947


19 Décembre 1946

Déclenchement de la guerre d’Indochine



Mort du General Leclerc en Algerie le 28 novembre 1947
Statue of Leclerc in Nantes

Sans peur et sans reproche

Par Alain Decaux

27 August 1987

Le Liberateur
Le maréchal Leclerc (1940-1947)
La mort du maréchal Leclerc
Seconde Guerre Mondiale

2000 ans d'histoire sur France Inter
Patrice Gélinet avec Jean-Christophe Notin, historien

le 22. 11. 2007


Le Maréchal Leclerc de Hauteclocque

Raconté par son fils

Extrait documentaire
Funeral of Leclerc, Paris, 1947
British Pathé (Silent film)
British Pathé (In English)
History of the Vietnam War
(1947 - 1975)
Map goes here
The Campaign of Cao Bang

October 1947 to September 1949
Cao Bang
Les soldats sacrifiés d'Indochine
Documentaire (52:22)
Halong Bay Agreement
5 June 1948
Annam and Tonkin are united as the State of Vietnam.
The State of Vietnam
Proclaimed 2 July 1949
Cochinchin joins Tonkin and Annam as the State of Vietnam.
The State of Vietnam, the Kingdom of Laos and the Kingdom of Cambodia are associated states within the French Union.  
Bao Dai visits Saigon

The Civil War in China
The History of China in 20 Minutes
A short summary of China's history
The Manchu (Ching) Dynasty, which ruled China since 1644, was overthrown by Republican revolutionaries led by Sun Yat-Sen in 1911.
Sun Yat-sen.
Sun Yat-Sen, The Father of
Modern China and founder
of the Republic of China
Sun Yat-Sen (1866 - 1925) formed a government and proclaimed the Repubic of China in 1912. The United States recognize his
Chiang Kai-Shek (1887 - 1975)
Chiang Kai-shek (aka Jiang Jieshi and Jiang Zhongzheng) (1887 - 1975), was a nationalist, a military leader and a close supporter of Sun Yat-Sen.
When Sun Yat-Sen died in 1925, Chiang assumed the leadership of the Nationalist Party (Kuo Min Tang [KMT]). 
Chiang headed the Republic of China (ROC) from 1928 till his death in 1975. He neutralised the many warlords in the north.
The nationalists and the communists allied in an United Front in 1923 to fight Chinese warlords.
Chiang purged the communists from the United Front in 1927.
Chiang Kai-Shek and Madame Chiang
British Movietone News
Chiang and the nationalists fought the communists in a long civil war from 1927 to 1937. Chiang prevailed and pursued the communists as they retreated through China in The Long March. By the end of the march, Mao Tse-tung emerged as leader of the communists.
In 1937 the nationalists and the communists agreed to form a Second United Front to fight the Japanese invasion in Manchuria and northern China.
The two sides resumed fighting each other in 1940 and 1941 the Second United Front broke down in 1941. Chiang prevailed in much of the fighting but the communists retained a force.
Chiang represented China with the Allies during the Pacific War against the Japanese (1941 1945).
Chiang Kai-Shek, far left, with his wife, Soong Mei-ling (Madame Chiang), far right, with American President Franklin Roosevelt, centre left, and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, centre right, at the Allied Conference in Cairo, Egypt in November 1943.
Related image
Chiang Kai-shek, China's supremo and leader of the nationalists, right, and Mao Tse-tung, leader of the Chinese communists, left, in a toast to victory over the Japanese in Chungking, China's capital, on 27 August 1945.
New York Times, 2 September 1945. A map of East Asia.
At the end of Second Sino-Japanese War, in 1945, China reclaimed the island of Formosa. which had been occupied by the Japanese since 1895.
China joined the United Nations as one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council. The five members were the victors of the Second World War   -   the U. S., the U. S. S. R., Britain, France and China.
In the following year, 1946, the Chinese nationalists and the Chinese communists resumed fighting.
Communists take over China
1946 - 1950
In the end, Mao Tse-Tung and Communists prevailed.
Mao Tse-Tung's communist forces took over much of eastern China by 1949 and established the People's Republic of China (PRC).
Mao proclaimed the People's Republic of China in Peking in 1949. 
The Chinese Nationalist forces under Chiang Kai-Shek redoubted to the island of Formosa (Taiwan) in 1949 and 1950.
By the end of 1950, the PRC claimed all of China and also Tibet and Sinkiang.
The Nationalists retained only the island of Formosa by 1950, which Chiang turned into a bastion of the nationalist non-communist Republic of China.
The Nationalists made Taipei, the biggest city on the island of Formosa, the capital of the Republic of China.

Map shows the gradual extension of Communist control of China from 1946 to 1950, including Tibet in 1950, and the area left to the Nationalists (Republic of China/Kuo Min Tang) under Chiang Kai-shek in 1950.


Mao Tse-tung

Mao Tse-Tung (1949)



The U. S. refused to recognise Mao Tse-Tung and the People's Republic of China.

The United States recognised Chiang Kai-shek and his government on Taiwan.
Overview of Chinese History
1911 - 1949
Khan Academy
China in Revolution
Part 1. 1911 - 1949
The Republic of China (ROC)
  Chiang Kai-Shek's China
   Nationalist China
    Kuo Min Tang China
      Free China
        Republic of China (ROC)
Image result for Republic of China (ROC) flag
Chiang Kai-Shek
Chiang Kai-Shek
Episode from the Biography documentary series hosted by Jack Perkins
Only the version dubbed in Spanish is available on You Tube at present
The People's Republic of China (PRC)

The Guomindang-Communist showdown.

Animated map shows the spread of Communist control from 1946 to 1950.


Mao's China
 Communist China
  Red China
   The Chicoms
    Mainland China
     People's Republic of China (PRC)
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Long March to Power
Episode from a New York Times documentary series Portraits of Power - Those Who Shaped the Twentieth Century narrated by New York Times journalists
One Man's Revolution
Episode from the BBC documentary series 20th Century History


The Soviet Union and the PRC recognized Ho Chi Minh's government in 1950.

The French affirmed their support of Bao Dai and he returned to Vietnam as head of state.
The United States and Britain also recognized Bao Dai.
Boa Dai and General De Lattre visit montagnards
Bao Dai with General de Lattre de Tassigny, 1951
See first 50 seconds of film reel:
La Légion Etrangère en Indochine
70% of the legionnaires in Indo-China were Austrian and German
or in 6 clips:

General Jean De Lattre De Tassigny arrives in Washington, D. C.

September 14, 1951


French General Jean De Lattre De Tassigny on relations with Indochina

September 18, 1951

In French

In English

In English and French

Bao Dai visits the front
January 1952
De Lattre
Monument to Maréchal Jean de Lattre de Tassigny, Paris
Death Of General De Lattre De Tassigny
Paris, 1952
British Pathé
Portrait de Jean De Lattre de Tassigny
De Tassigny in Retrospect (1952)
British Pathé (Silent)
La Marche Glorieuse
De Lattre 
Maréchal de France
Documentaire (1953) (1:14:43)
De Lattre  -  Leclerc
L'habile et L'audacieux
Documentaire (2016)
Les Hommes de la Victoire
Documentaire sur le Général de Lattre de Tassigny et le Général Leclerc (2015)
La Bataille du Tonkin
Documentaire par La Revue d"indochine
Réalisée par Jules Roy en 1952
The Battle of Hoa Binh
Film footage
La Bataille de Na-San 
23 novembre – 2 decembre 1952
Na San, une bataille dans la jungle
Regards sur l'Indochine
Pierre Schoendoerffer 
La Guerre d'Indochine (1945 - 1953)
Un Jour dans l'Histoire
Canal Académie
Christophe Dickès avec Pierre Pellissier, historien et auteur de Diên Biên Phu: 20 novembre 1953 - 7 mai 1954 (Perrin, 2004)
Problèmes d'Extrême Orient
Les Filmes Caravelle (1953)
La 317eme Section
1965 film de Pierre Schoendoerffer about the French army patrols in Vietnam in 1954
Viet-Minh Invade Northern Laos
17 April 1953
Image result for communist forces in Laos in 1953
On 17 April 1953, 40,0000 Viet-Minh guerrillas crossed the border into northern Laos and joined 2,000 Pathet Lao (Laotian communist guerrillas) in the two northern border provinces of Phong Saly and Sam Neua. The Viet-Minh had been active in this region since 1945.
A Viet-Minh force from Dien Bien Phu set out
to take the royal Laotian capital of Luang Prabang and the Plain of Jars but French forces checked their advance.
France grants Laos independence
22 October 1953
France grants Cambodia independence
9 November 1953
French forces took Dien Bien Phu, a large Tai village in the Tai region of northeastern Tonkin, along a Viet-Minh supply route ten and miles from the Laotian border. The French fortified the area. They held the surrounding hills until forced out by the Viet-Minh in December.
In January 1954, the Viet-Minh again attempted to take Luang Prabang but were stopped by French forces.
The Viet-Minh crossed the south of Laos (the "panhandle") and attacked the town of Tha Khaek but were stopped.
The Viet-Minh attacks in Laos in January 1954 may have been actually a diversion, intended to draw French forces away from Dien Bien Phu.
1950 - 1954 Vietnam
The First Indochina War
Eisenhower's Foreign Policy in Southeast Asia
1953 - 1961
The Viet-Minh surrounded Dien Bien Phu by February 1954.
La Bataille de Dien Bien Phu
20 novembre 1953  -  7 mai 1954
Image result for dien bien phu (map)
Vietnamese map of Dien Bien Phu and Viet-Minh supply routes.
Painting of General Giap planing an attack against French positions in Dien Bien Phu
Vo Nguyen Giap (1911 - 2013), 
commanded Viet Minh forces in the
Battle of Dien Bien Phu in 1954 
The Viet-Minh launched their offensive with a full assault on 13 March 1954.
La bataille de Dien Bien Phu
Dien Bien Phu
Une Bataille Oubliee
Dien Bien Phu - The Legacy
Episode 1 of the documentary series Battlefield Vietnam
Dien Bien Phu
Episode 3 of the documentary series Vietnam - The Ten Thousand Day War
Dien Bien Phu
Dien Bien Phu (1953 - 1954)
Episode 3
Documentaire en 6 épisodes de Henri de Turenne sortie en 1984
Geneviève de Galard, infirmière
L'ange de Dien Bien Phu
(The Angel of Dien Bien Phu)
French nurse, Geneviève de Galard,
receives the Medal of Liberty from
President Dwight Eisenhower at the
White House in Washington, D. C., on
June 29, 1954.
News in Brief
Universal International News (1954)
The Angel of Dien Bien Phu
Pathé News (May 1954)
Honored by President Eisenhower at the White House
Universal International News (1954)
Geneviève de Galard
1953 - 1954
Une femme a Dien Bien Phu
Canal Académie
Laetitia de Witt avec Geneviève de Galard (infirmière, vétéran d'Indochine)
Le 2 mars 2008
Geneviève de Galard
Le 26 mars 2011
Geneviève de Galard
The Angel of Dien Bien Phu
Uploaded in 2012
The Angel of Dien Bien Phu: The Lone French Woman at the Decisive Battle for Vietnam
(Published in 2013)
The Viet Minh marched French POWs to a prison camp 600 kilometers from Dien Bien Phu. Of some 12,000 French soldiers taken prisoners only 3,000 were repatriated later.     
Battle of Dien Bien Phu
1979 documentary
John Foster Dulles
US Secretary of State
May 7, 1954
Ma guerre d Indochine
Avec le general Bigeard
Documentaire avec le general Marcel Bigeard (1916 - 2010) (1994)

Le général Bigeard

Un portrait

Un pas, encore un pas . . .

Documentaire (1994)

Les cendres du général Bigeard ont été transférées au Mémorial des Guerres en Indochine à Fréjus le 20 novembre 2012
Image result for Mémorial des Guerres d'Indochine à Fréjus
Mémorial des Guerres d’Indochine à Fréjus
Unable to continue the fight against the Viet-Minh, the French gave up Vietnam in 1954.
End of an Empire
1962 episode from the documentary series The Twentieth Century with Walter Cronkite
Jump Into Hell
1955 Hollywood movie about Dien Bien Phu
France granted Vietnam independence in June 1954.

Bao Dai, head of the State of Vietnam, 

appointed Ngô Đình Diệm his prime minister.



Image result for ngo dinh diem 1954
Ngo Dinh Diem
The Geneva Conference
Geneva, Switzerland
26 April   -   20 July 1954
On Korea and Indo-China
Related image
On Indochina
8 May  -  20 July 1954
Britain, France, P. R. China, U. S. A., U. S. S. R., Viet Minh, Laos, Cambodia 
The Geneva Accords
Cease-fire in Indo-China.
Vietnam to be divided temporarily at the 17th Parallel into two zones   -   the north, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, under the Viet Minh, and the south, the State of Vietnam, under Bao Dai.  
French forces to regroup in the south, Viet Minh in the north.
Cambodia to be neutral.
Country-wide elections to be held in July 1956 to unify Vietnam.
All signed the accords except the U. S. and the State of Vietnam.
Vietnam was divided into two countries at the 17th Parallel in 1954
La fin de la guerre d'Indochine
Les accords de Genève, 20 juillet 1954

Geneva Conference, Cease-Fire Signing, Pierre Mendez-France
British Pathé silent film footage with statement by Mendex-France with sound
First Viet Minh Troops Arrive in Hanoi
British Pathé silent black and white newsreel footage (00:02:41)
Viet Minh Troops Take Over in Hanoi
British Pathé silent black and white newsreel footage (00:03:34)
French Prisoners of War Liberated
British Pathé silent black and white newsreel footage (00:02:32)
Last Honours to War Dead Before Leaving Hanoi
British Pathé silent black and white newsreel footage (00:02:25)
Les Parachutistes Indochinois
No. 2 de la serie L'histoire Oubliée (1992) (58:52)
40 Years of Solitude
Al Jazeera World
Documentary about the families of three Morrocan soldiers who remained in Vietnam
The two Vietnams:
- North Vietnam, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, led by Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Minh, with its capital in Hanoi, backed by the Soviets and Chinese communists
- South Vietnam, the State of Vietnam, headed by Bao Dai and led by Ngo Dình Diem, with its capital in Saigon, backed by the Americans
Carte limites accords de Genève
Communist Pathet Lao forces in the northeast of Laos   -   in Phong Saly and Sam Neua   -   remained in place.
Immediately, South Vietnamese, supported by the Americans, conducted sabotage of North Vietnamese coastal installations.
Viet Minh soldiers snuck into South Vietnam.
South Vietnamese communists organised armed opposition to the South Vietnamese government.   
The French War
Part 1 of 2 of the documentary Two Vietnam Wars


The Ballad of Ho Chi Minh
Composed by Ewan MacColl in 1954
Sung by MacColl
In Vietnamese
Bài ca Hồ Chí Minh

North Vietnam Mobilizes for War
History with Adam Richards
1954 - 1956
A million French and Vietnamese soldiers, Catholics, democrats, anti-communists, land owners, professionals, intellectuals, businessmen and many of the middle class head south.
Image result for l'exode de vietnam en 1954
Filmer la guerre d'Indochine
Pierre Schoendoerffer, Georges Kowal, André Lebon...
Image result for Operation passage to freedom
Southeast Treaty Organization
The Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty (Manila Pact), Septermber 8, 1954
U. S., Britain, France, Australia, Pakistan (East and West), Thailand, Philippines, New Zealand
Dissolved in 1977
Episode from the documentary series The Big Picture (1958)
A tour of five of the eight SEATO partners - Pak., Thai., Phil., Aust., NZ
"I was in South Vietnam in 1954. I could tell then that it was a lost cause." US Army Intelligence officer (1995).



    The Ho Chi Minh Trail

The Ho Chi Minh Trail was a series of trails from North Vietnam through Laos and Cambodia into South Vietnam over which men and supplies were conveyed to the North Vetnamese Army and Viet Cong in South Vietnam. 
Source: The Vietname War (website)
The Ho Chi Minh Trail
In fact, however, only ten percent of supplies sent to South Vietnam went over the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Much went by boat along the coast. Much came from within South Vietnam.
Figure 8


Bảo Đại was head of state of the State of Vietnam (South Vietnam). He remained in Paris, France.




Bao Dai - Nguyen Vinh Thuy
(Hiep dinh dinh chien)



The Rise of Ngo Dinh Diem
History with Adam Richards (Removed from You Tube)
America's Mandarin
1954 - 1963
Episode 2 of 11 of the 1983 documentary series Vietnam: A Television History
The rise to power of Ngo Dinh Diem in South Vietnam
A brief lecture by Michael E. Brooks (09:38)
Vietnam 1954 - 1968
Episode # 11 from the documentary series Cold War narrated by Kenneth Branagh  
President Eisenhower Speaks Out against Communism
April 7, 1954
Political Cartoon of the domino theory
The Domino Theory
Image result for edward lansdale
Edward Landsdale and Ngo Dinh Diem
Edward Lansdale
U. S. Air Force colonel, Head of the Saigon Military Mission (SMM) (1954 - 1957)
Interview by Stanley Karnow (1979)
Interview by Stanley Karnow (1979)
3 hrs. 28 min. 40 sec.
The Road Not Taken
Edward Lansdale and the American Tragedy in Vietnam
Lecture by Max Boot at the National Archives
January 18, 2018
Begins at the 05:18 mark
American military (MAAG) advisors in Vietnam since 1955
Diem on front cover of Time magazine
cover, April 4, 1955

Diệm replaced Bao Dai as head of state after a national referendum in 1955.




J. Lawton Collins


Special Representative from the U. S. with ambassadorial rank to the State of Vietnam (South Vietnam) from 1954 to 1955


Interview in 1981



Image result for ramon magsaysay and ngo dinh diem meeting (date of photo)
President Ngo Dinh Diem of the Republic of Vietnam and President Ramon Magsaysay of the Philippines (photo 1954 -1957?)
Related image
American president Dwight Eisenhower greets Ngo Dinh Diem, president of the Republic of Vietnam, upon Diem's arrival at Washington National Airport on 8 May 1957.
Ike Welcomes Vietnam Chief
News of the Day
New York Hails Vietnam's Diem
British Pathé
The Ugly American, a popular novel
published in 1958, anticipated American
ground troops in Southeast Asia.
The fictitous country of Sarkhan in the novel could be any country in Southeast Asia in the late 1950s but applied particularly to Vietnam.
Hollywood made a movie, based on the book, in 1963. In the movie, Sarkhan appears to be Thailand.
The 1963 movie starring Marlon Brando (2 hrs.) 
'The Ugly American'
First Film Premiere in Southeast Asia
Universal International News

1959  -  A Critical Year  

The Vietnam War

Every Fortnight

1959 - 1976

Animated map

Image result for Viet Cong 1959
Viet Cong 1960
Image result for Viet Cong 1954
Viet Cong soldier
Image result for Viet Cong 1954
Viet Cong soldier's gear
U. S. announces a projected increase in military advisors to South Vietnam from 327 men to 685 men in 1960.
Newsweek magazine cover, May 22, 1961
Life magazine 10/27/1961
Life magazine, front cover, October 27, 1961
On May 11, 1961, American president Kennedy sends 400 Special Forces (Green Berets) to South Vietnam to train the South Vietnamese army.
Green Berets
John Wayne in the 1968 Hollywood
movie The Green Berets, based on
a book published with the same name
in 1965
American soldiers trained in guerrilla warfare formed the the U. S. Army Special Forces in the 1950s. They wore green berets. The beret came from the French Resistance in WW2. The color green came from British Army commandes in WW2. It became official uniform in 1961. The Green Berets were first sent to South Vietnam in early 1961.
The Green Berets
Excerpt (ending) from the movie:
The Ballad of the Green Berets
Sung by Staff Sergeant Barry Sadler (1966)
The Hidden War in Vietnam
Documentary about the US Army Special Forces, the Long Range Reconnaissance Patrols (LRRPs) ("Green Berets")
From the US Army television series The Big Picture
Introduced by Gen. Paul Harkins, the first top American military commander in South Vietnam (1962 – 1964), and narrated by James Arness, star of the popular TV adult western of the 1950s and 1960s Gunsmoke.


or, the same:

Special Forces - LRRPs Vietnam
Operation Montagnard


Episode from the US Army’s TV documentary series Big Picture about US Army Special Forces training of Mon-Khmer and Malayo-Polynesian tribes in the central highlands of Vietnam



America's Undeclared War
Related image
President Ngo Dinh Diem greets the commander of a visiting US submarine in Saigon Harbor on 3 April 1962 At centre is Fredrick Nolting, American ambassador to South Vietnam.
7th Independence Day ceremonies
26 - 27 October 1962

Vietnam: Tinderbox in Asia


Screen News Digest - Camera on the World





11,000 U. S. military advisors in Vietnam in

1962, up by 10,000 in 12 months.



Pentagon Report


On the Year 1962



The U.S. Army Unit Advisor in Vietnam

US Army documentary film (1963)




U. S. Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) replaced by U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV)




The Fight for Viet Nam 


Episode from the US Army television documentary program The Big Picture (1963)


Describes the US military role in Viet Nam


Lt. Col. John Paul Vann, US Army, left, in
Vietnam in 1963 
"This is a political war and it calls for discrimination in killing. The best weapon for killing would be a knife, but I'm afraid we can't do it that way. The worst is an airplane. The next worst is artillery. Barring a knife, the best is a rifle   -   you know who you're killing."   -   John Paul Vann
The Battle of Ap Bac
January 2, 1963
Brief description
The Battle of Ap Bac
A Talk by Michael E. Brooks
A Bright Shining Lie
1998 documentary on HBO TV series
This two-hour movie is available on You Tube in four clips
The first two clips cover the Battle of Ap Bac and present the situation in South Vietnam in 1963
Buddhist Protests
In June of 1963, Vietnamese Mahayana Buddhist monk Thích Quang Duc burned himself to death at a busy intersection in Saigon.
Photo by Malcolm Browne (Associated Press)
The self-immolation of Thich Quang Duc
Saigon, June 11, 1963
Excerpt from America's Mandarin, episode of the PBS-TV series Vietnam: A Television History
Malcolm Browne on his photo
Associated Press
Related image
Ngo Dinh Diem
Related image
Ngo Dinh Nhu, younger
brother and advisor of
Ngo Dinh Diem
Image result for coup saigon 1963 - magazine cover
Madame Nhu ("The Dragon Lady")
(1924 - 2011) (de facto First Lady of
Vietnam), Diem's sister-in-law
Related image
Madame Nhu, wife of Ngo Dinh Nhu, 
on front cover of Time Magazine,
August 9, 1963 
Photo of Madama Nhu at the the
Vietnamese embassy in Paris
on March 10, 1963.
Image result for funeral of Diem and Nhu 1963
A 1963 photo of the Ngo family in Saigon
Standing, from left to right: Ngo Dinh Nhu; President Ngo Dinh Diem; Archbishop Ngo Dinh Thuc; Madame Nguyen Van Am, a sister; Madame Ngo Dinh Nhu; and Ngo Dinh Dan.
Henry Cabot Lodge
New ambassador to South Vietnam
Sworn in on August 15, 1963
Image result for cabot lodge and jfk discuss vietnam - August 15, 1963
JFK and Cabot Lodge
Cabot Lodge in discussion with President Kennedy about Vietnam at the White House
August 15, 1963
White House tapes (some parts are omitted)
Cabot Lodge Interview with the press
15 August 1963
Image result for henry cabot lodge with ngo dinh diem
Henry Cabot Lodge, American ambassador to South Vietnam, meets President Diem in Saigon on 1 September 1963.
The Times of Viet Nam, Saigon, Sept. 2, 1963 (AP Photo)
Report from Saigon
South Vietnam Goes to the Polls
News of the Day
Parliamentary elections in South Vietnam
September 27, 1963
Diem and supporters wins 120 of 123 seats
Coup d'Etat
November 1 - 2, 1963
Diem and Nhu assassinated
Bao Dai chose Ngo Dinh Diem as his prime minister in 1954.
With American backing, Diem became the paramount leader of South Vietnam in 1955.
Diem was America's man in South Vietnam.
But the Americans backed Diem's ouster eight years later, in 1963. They claimed he was antagonizing too many Vietnamese, in particular the majority Buddhists.
The Americans claimed also that Diem and his younger brother, Ngo Dinh Nhu, were initiating contacts with the North Vietnamese behind the scenes   -   or about to do so. Indeed, just before his assassination, Nhu, in a filmed interview, noted that there existed the possibility of entering into negotiations with the North Vietnamese to try to reach certain accomodations and that the possibility was worth considering. However, such contacts were common among the Vietnamese.  
After Diem's ouster there was not a stable and lasting government in South Vietnam for four years, until late 1967.
To this day, many believe the removal of Diem, whatever his policies, was one of the biggest mistakes the Americans made in Vietnam and that without Diem the Communists made many gains.
President Kennedy on the coup
Kennedy discusses the scheduled coup in South Vietnam with advisors
Kennedy and Dean Rusk 
Audio tape, October 29, 1963
(7 min)
Associated Press International News Vietnam PRESIDENTIAL PALACE DIEM COUP
Soldiers occupy the presidential palace in Saigon on 1 November. Diem and Nhu escaped before the soldiers entered.
Image result for st. francis xavier church, cholon, vietnam - 1963
Diem and Nhu were captured by soldiers in Francis Xavier Cathedral in the city of Cholon.
Image result for Diem and Nhu corpses
The bodies of Diem and Nhu,
hands tied behind the back,
in an armored personnel carrier.
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The body of Ngo Dinh Diem publicly
Image result for coup d'etat saigon 1963 - detroit news
Detroit News, November 1963
Related image
General Duong Van Minh, led
the coup against Diem
Image result for coup saigon 1963 - magazine cover
General Duong Van Minh ("Big Minh")
on the front cover of Newsweek
magazine, 8 November 1963.
It was widely believed that Minh, the leader of the coup, also ordered the murders of Diem and Nhu. 
Gen. Minh holds press conference after the coup
1963 South Vietnamese Coup
Documentary Film
or, the same:
The South Vietnamese Coup against Ngo Dinh Diem
Excerpt from a documentary, about the coup
Kennedy dictates his thoughts after the Vietnam Coup
November 4, 1963
For the coup:
The State Department:
- Averell Harriman, Ambassador-at-Large
- Henry Cabot Lodge, Ambassador to Vietnam 
- George Ball, Under Secretary of State
- Roger Hilsman, Assistant Secretary of State
- Michael Forrestal, Nat. Security Council staff aide 
Opposed to the coup:
- Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense
- Gen. Maxwell Taylor, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Gen. Paul Harkins, Commander of MAC-V
- John McCone, CIA Director  
- Robert Kennedy, President's younger brother and advisor, Atty.-Gen.
Madame Nhu
WGBH-TV Boston (1982?)
LBJ on the Murder of Diem
LBJ on phone to Senator Eugene McCarthy (1966)
Frederick Nolting
American ambassador to South Vietnam
1963 - 1965
Interview (1981)
WGBH-TV Boston
Henry Cabot Lodge
American ambassador to South Vietnam from August 1963 to June 1964 and August 1965 to 
April 1967
Interview with Stanley Karnow
WGBH-TV Boston tapes (1979) (1 hr. 40 min. 40 sec.)
Lucien Conein
Image result for Lucien Conein in Vietnam 1963
Lucien Emile Conein (1919 - 1998), U. S. Army lieutenant-colonel, CIA operative, Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge's CIA liaison with the leaders of the coup against Diem. 
Interview by Stanley Karnow
WGBH-TV Boston (1981) (42:31)
Vietnam 1963
Revision and Reassessment
Lectures by Robert Miller, John Prados, Jessica Chapman, Edward Miller, Pierre Asselin
New York Military Symposium Affairs
November 8, 2013 (2 hrs., 2, min. 27 sec.)
Ngô Đình Luyện
Interview with a brother of Ngo Dinh Diem
WGBH-TV Boston (1979)
Trần Văn Đôn
Interview with one of the leaders of the November 1963 coup against Diem
WGBH-TV Boston (1981) (46:49)
Chicago Tribune, November 22, 1963
New York Times, November 23, 1963
Image result for Kennedy's assassin suspect charged - newspaper
The Coventry Evening Herald, November 23, 
Sunday Herald-Leader, Lexington, Kentucky, November 24, 1963
Image result for lyndon johnson takes oath on plane
Two hours after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Vice-President Lyndon Baines Johnson takes the oath of office as president on board Air Force One at Love Field near Dallas, Texas.
LBJ and Vietnam
The Moyers Journal
Bill Moyers, aide to President Johnson  
PBS-TV (2009)
Part 1.
Part 2.
Young Turks in Hanoi
Lê Duẩn
Lê Duẩn ng ch L Dun v nhng ngy b giam gi trong ngc t thc dn
Lê Duẩn
Tet Offensive 1968
Cambodian Invasion 1978
Image result for le duc tho - 1963
Lê Đức Thọ
Ho Chi Minh and Vo Nguyen Giap sidelined 
Resolution 9
   20 January 1964
New weapons
Northern troops sent to South Vietnam
   November and December 1964
16,300 U. S. military advisors in South Vietnam by the end of 1963.
Map shows North Vietnam and North Korea as Chinese puppets.
Gen. Duong Van Minh's junta toppled in coup
29 January 1964
Gen. Nguyễn Khánh takes power
Image result for khan takes power in coup January 29, 1964
Gen. Nguyễn Khánh
Minh retained as head of state
French President DeGaulle calls for a neutral Indo-China and withdrawal of U. S. soldiers
31 January 1964
1963 - 1964
1964 Presidential Elections
Not a declared candidate but a surprise write-in and winner of the New Hampshire Republican Primaries, Henry Cabot Lodge resigns as ambassador to South Vietnam to return to the U. S. to help a Republican candidate in June 1964. 
Taylor to Vietnam
Soldier-Diplomat will Succeed Lodge
Universal-International News
July 1964
Announced in July 1964: U.S. military advisors, including Special Forces, to increase to 21,000 by the end of 1964.
The Gulf of Tonkin Incident  
Related image
August 2 and 4, 1964
After an alleged attack by North Vietnamese ships on an American naval vessel in international waters in the Gulf of Tonkin, Congress authorized the president to wage war without its approval. The president ordered aerial bombing of installations in North Vietnam.
Robert MacNamara, LBJ and the Tonkin Gulf Resolution
Blog with excerpts from Fog of War
The Gulf of Tonkin Incident
Interview with William S. Buehler, a crewman of the USS Maddox, recounts incidents in the Gulf of Tonkin on August 2 and 4, 1964 (2013)
Part 1.
Part 2.
President LBJ
Report on the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, August 4, 1964
McNamara Deceived LBJ on Vietnam
Garreth Porter
Uploaded 2009
What Really Happened in Tonkin Gulf?
Segment fom 60 Minutes on CBS
Bombing the Ho Chi Minh Trail
1964 - 1973
A Ho Chi Minh Trail Story from Laos
Lung Ky of Nong Bua Village, on the Ho Chi Minh Trail, in Khammouane Province in central Laos
In Lao with English sub-titles
Bombing Missions over Laos
1964 - 1973
Cluster Bombing in Laos
Uploaded by Journeyman Pictures (2014)
In fact, the Ho Chi Minh Trail was bombed long before 1964. The trail had been bombed before and since 1954. Bombing increased from 1959. Sustained bombing began in 1965.
Vietnam was an issue in the 1964 American presidential election
Image result for Johnson wins election 1964
Goldwater 1964 Presidential TV Spot featuring Raymond Massey
Image result for Johnson wins election 1964
LBJ campaign, Vietnam 1964
As expected
Lyndon Johnson wins presidential election
Johnson elected president
As expected
Johnson wins by a landslide
Related image
Image result for Johnson wins election 1964
Electoral votes
Johnson - Democratic Party
Goldwater - Republican Party
Bob Hope Christmas Special
"Hello, all you advisors!"
The first Bob Hope Christmas Tour in Vietnam (1964) 
Removed from Your Tube
The Air War in Vietnam
Three phases:
1. Operation Rolling Thunder
1965 - 1968
2. Interdiction in Laos  
-   the Ho Chi Minh Trail
1968 - 1972
3. Operation Linebacker I
9 May  -  23 October 1972
and Operation Linebacker II
18  -  29 December 1972
Alpha Strike
Episode from the documentary series Secrets of War - Vietnam, A War Unwanted
Describes the use of air power in Indo-China
Air War Vietnam
Episode from the documentary series Battlefield Vietnam
The Forward Air Controller (FAC)
The original FAC aircraft, a two-seater
Cessna O-1 Bird Dog, in Indo-China
from 1962 to 1974 or 1975
The FACs
Episode 1 of 8 of the 2002 documentary series Wings Over Vietnam: The Missions
TAC on Target
Description of the Tactical Air Command (TAC) fighter-bombers F-100, F-104, F-105 and the F-4C and other planes, helicopters
F-100 Super Sabre
The North American F-100 Super Sabre
fighter-bomber, in Indo-China from 1961
to 1971
F-100 Super Sabre
Episode from the documentary series Great Planes
F-104 Starfighter
The Lockheed F-104 Starfighter fighter-bomber-interceptor, in Indo-China from 1965 to 1967
The Starfighter was notoriously hazardous and had a poor safety record. Some countries were blackmailed by the US into buying the plane. It was at the center of bribery scandals.
The Lockheed F-104 Starfighter
Episode from the documentary series Great Planes
The Windowmaker
Starfighter F-104G
Film follows a German pilot in training at Luke AFB in Aizona in 1968
F-105 Thunderchief
The Republic F-105 Thunderchief fighter-bomber, in Indo-China from 1964 to 1973 or 1975
The F-105 Thunderchief
The Twenty-Five-Hour Day
A Story of the Air Force F-105s
Documentary (1967)
F-105 Thunderchief
Episode from the documentary series Wings
F-4 Phantom
The McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II
fighter-bomber, in Indo-China from 1964
to 1975
F-4 Phantom
Episode from the documentary series Great Planes
F-4 Phantom
Episode from the documentary series Wings II
Puff, the Magic Dragon
The Douglas AC-47 Spooky, nicknamed Puff, the Magic Dragon, a gunship used for close air support; in Vietnam from December 1964 to 1975. One of several types of gunships.
Puff, the Magic Dragon
Song by Peter, Paul and Mary
Spookies, Spectres and Shadows
Episode # 5 of 8 of the documentary series DC Wings over Vietnam   -   The Missions  
The Gunships
Episode # 1 of 5 of the documentary series Wings over Vietnam - The Missions
About helicopter gunships
Operation Rolling Thunder
March 2, 1965  -  November 2, 1968
Rolling Thunder
Episode # 10 of 12 of the documentary series Battlefield Vietnam
Rolling Thunder
Episode # 3 of 8 of the documentary series DC Wings Over Vietnam The Missions
Operation Rolling Thunder
Episode from the documentary series War
Story with Oliver North (2005)
Operation Arc Light
18 June 1965  -  August 1973
B-52 bombing missions over Indo-China were flown from Anderson Air Force Base (AFB) on Guam, from Kadena AFB on Okinawa and from the Royal Thai Navy airfield at U Tapao in Thailand.
The B-52s were deployed to Anderson AFB in June 1965, to Kadena AFB in January 1966 and to U-Tapao in April 1867.
B-52 Stratofortress
B-52 Stratofortress
Episode from the documentary series Battle Stations
or, the same
or, the same
Boeing B-52 Stratofortress
Episode from the Great Planes series
The B-52
Documentary film by the US Air Force about the B-52 flown out of U-Tapao
Arclight B-52 Strikes from Guam, Okinawa and Thailand
USAF Strategic Air Command (SAC)
July 1968
                   American PoWs
Jeremiah Denton, U. S. Navy bomber pilot shot down over Vietnam in July 1965, was a PoW for eight years, from  1965 to 1973
When Hell was in Session
1979 TV movie
Uploaded 2014



Inside the Viet Cong


Documentary with Walter Cronkite about the Viet Cong -  Tactics, Weapons, Tunnels, Uniform 



Know Your Enemy


The Viet Cong


Doumentary with captured Viet Cong film


c. 1966



Viet Cong


Episode from the documentary series 



About the Viet Minh in WW2 and at Dien Bien Phu; the Geneva Accords; the Viet Cong; the tunnels of Cu Chi, the Ho Chi Minh Trail . . . 1967

CBS Reports with Marvin Kalb (1968)
Nguyễn Sinh Cung (Nguyễn
Tất Thành,/Nguyễn Ái Quốc
/Ho Chi Minh) (1890 - 1969)
Ho Chi Minh
1964 interview (INA)
Ho Chi Minh
1966 biography of Ho Chi Minh by Walter Cronkite on the Man of the Month series on Twentieth Century
Ho Chi Minh
Biography of Ho Chi Minh on the documentary series Biography 

Oncle Sam contre Oncle Ho
1954  -  1967
Documentaire en six épisodes de Henri de Turenne sortie en 1984
Episode 4
Fighting a war of attrition on the Southeast Asian Mainland . . . .

In North Vietnam in 1964, a growing Young Turk faction in the North Vietnamese politburo in Hanoi demanded a more aggressive military policy toward South Vietnam.
Red China and the Soviet Union gave North Vietnam a lot of new weapons.
Thus, the People's Army of Viet Nam (PAVN)/North Vietnamese Army (NVA) sent a large force with the latest sidearms down the Ho Chi Minh Trail into South Vietnam.
NVA/NLF 1965 Winter-Spring Offensive Plan
The PAVN/NVA objective was reported to be (1) the control of the town of Pleiku in the Central Highlands, (2) the cross-country Route 19, and (3) the coastal town of Qui Nhon, thus cutting South Vietnam in half.
The PAVN/NVA was joined by the National Liberation Front (NLF)/Viet Cong (VC) of South Vietnam.
The VC Attack on Pleiku
February 7, 1965
Image result for The geneva accords 1954
The VC attacked Camp Holloway, a U. S. helicopter base, and killed eight American soldiers and wounded 126.  
Showdown in Vietnam
Universal News

News In Brief
Universal Newsreel
11 February 1965
Gen. Khanh overthrown
19 - 20 February 1965
Khanh exiled
New Hours of Crisis and Change in South Vietnam
Image result for Nguyễn Cao Kỳ, 1965
Brigadier General Nguyễn Cao Kỳ - a leading power in South Vietnam in 1964 and the leading power in 1965.
Chief of the South Vietnamese Air Force, Prime Minister (1965 - 1967), Vice-President (1967 - 1971).
Interview with Nguyen Cao Ky
WGBH-TV Boston, 1981 (excerpt)
South Vietnamese Air Marshal and Prime Minister Nguyễn Cao Kỳ discusses some events from 1963 to 1965
Image result for Nguyen Cao Ky in jet fighter
Nguyen Cao Ky climbs
out of cockpit of a B-57
bomber at Tan San Nhut
Airport (Saigon) in 1965.
Nguy?n Cao K? (1930 – 23 July 2011) chief of the Vietnam Air Force, prime minister of South Vietnam. (Nguy?n Cao K? (1930 – 23 July 2011) chief of the Vietnam Air Force, prime minister of South...)
Nguyen Cao Ky
Related image
Madame Nguyen Cao Ky
"First American combat troops"   -   3,500 U. S. Marines   -   sent to Vietnam on March 8, 1965
Marines to guard the U. S. air base in Da Nang.
U. S. Marines arrive in Da Nang 
3,500 U. S. marines wade ashore on China Beach near Da Nang on March 8, 1965.
Vietnamese greet marines as they land on China Beach on March 8, 1965.
U. S. Marines disembark at China Beach
8 March 1965
Film footage
Lyndon Johnson
John Hopkins University
April 7, 1965
Johnson on Vietnam
Vows to Fight on until Reds Parley
May 13, 1965
Universal Newsreel
President Johnson announces 44 combat batallions to go to Vietnam
US military in Vietnam to increase to 125,000
July 28, 1965
Draft Doubled
50,000 More Men for Vietnam
Universal Newsreel
Why We Are in Vietnam
President Lyndon B. Johnson
Press conference, Washington, D. C.
July 28, 1965
Why Vietnam?
1965 documentary film the US Army series The Big Picture, presents the purpose of the American mission in South Vietnam
Different versions:
(28 min. 07 sec.)
(31 min. 06 sec.)
French journalists in Saigon
The Battle of Chu Lai
Operation Starlite
August 18 - 24, 1965 
The communist National Liberation Front (NLF)/Viet Cong (VC) of South Vietnam confronts U. S. Marines in the first major battle involving American soldiers in Viet Nam.
Chu Lai is just south of Da Nang.
The U. S. launched the attack to clear the area of VC, who had a base nearby at Van Tuong and posed a threat to the Marine airbase at Chu Lai.
The Vietnam War
Battle of Chu Lai
Clip from a documentary
The Battle
Marine Corps documentary film about the Battle of Chu Lai (1965)
The Undeclared War
Episode # 2 of the 1999 documentary series Battlefield Vietnam
Reviews events in Vietnam from the introduction of American helicopters to the South Vietnamese Army in January 1962 (Operation Chopper) to the Battle of Chu Lai in August 1965.
The Beginning (1964 - 1965)
First episode of the 2011 documentary series Vietnam in HD
Describes events from the Tonkin Gulf Incident in 1964 to the Battle of Ia Drang in November 1965
The Americans claimed the North Vietnamese navy fired on an American naval vessel in the Gulf of Tonkin.
In response, the U. S. bombed North Vietnam by air and sent the marines and the army to South Vietnam.
Eight months after the marines arrived in Vietnam and two months after the Battle of Chu Lai . . .
The Siege of Plei Me
October 19 - 25, 1965
The PAVN/NVA and NLF/VC laid siege to the Special Forces fort at Plei Me and ambushed the relief force of the South Vietnamese Army
/Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) sent from Pleiku on the road to Plei Me.
The siege was broken by ARVN ground troops with close air support from American fighters and bombers.
The PAVN/NVA and NLF/Viet Cong withdrew to Chu Pong, a hill in the Ia Drang Valley near the Cambodian border, where the PAVN/NVA had made its local headquarters.
In pursuit of the PAVN/NVA and NLF/VC
October 27 - November 8, 1965
November 1 - 6, 1965
The U. S. Army and ARVN pursued the PAVN/NVA and NLF/VC as they withdrew from Plei Me to Ia Drang Valley. Several hundreds of PANV/NVA and NLF/VC were killed.
This was the first major encounter between U. S. ground forces and PAVN/NVA.
The Battle of Ia Drang Valley
November 14 - 18, 1965
The U. S. Army pursued the PAVN/NVA and NLF/VC to the base of Chu Pong, a hill on which the PAVN/NVA had its headquarters. 
The Battle of LZ X-Ray
November 14 - 16, 1965
The PAVN/NVA confronted Moore's battalion at the base and on the slopes of Chu Pong. The Americans repelled PAVN/NVA attacks to drive them away.
The PAVN/NVA withdrew.
American forces withdrew on November 17.
B-52s bombed the hill.
Note: LZ = Landing Zone (Helicopter landing area)
The Battle of LZ Albany
November 17 - 18, 1965
Several hours later, on November 17, half of an American battalion was wiped out on its way to the nearby LZ Albany. when it walked into an NVA/PAVN ambush. 
The Battle of LZ Columbus
November 18, 1965
During the night of the next day, November 18, American soldiers beat off repeated attacks to take LZ Columbus.
The fighting in Plei Me and Ia Drang Valley was the biggest American military encounter in Vietnam to date.
The Battle of Chu Pong Mountain
TV news coverage by NBC, ABC and CBS
November 18, 1965
NBC News   -   Chet Huntley, Dean Brelis, Hal Moore
ABC News   -   Peter Jennings, Ray Maloney, Hal Moore
CBS News   -   Walter Cronkite
The Battle of Ia Drang Valley
1965 CBS documentary with Walter Cronkite recounts the Battle of Ia Drang
Inside Vietnam: Battle at Ia Drang
Preview of a National Geographic documentary with an introduction to the battle
We Were Soldiers Once . . . And
Young, a book by Gen. Harold Moore,
battalion commander at the Battle of
LZ X-Ray, and Joseph Galloway,
journalist, published in 1992, follows
Moore's battalion from its home in
Fort Benning, Georgia to the port of
Qui Nhon in South Vietnam, and to 
its base at An Khe. It recounts the
entire Battle of Ia Drang Valley.
Image result for Lt. Col. Harold Moore 1965
Battalion commander, Lt. Col.
Harold Moore at LZ X-Ray
Harold Moore's book inspired a popular
Hollywood movie, We Were Soldiers, in
2002. The movie followed Moore's battalion
from the U. S. to Vietnam and recounted
the Battle of LZ X-Ray. Mel Gibson portrayed Moore in the movie. 
We Were Soldiers
Advertisements for the 2002 Hollywood movie We Were Soldiers about the Battle at LZ X-Ray
The movie is not available in viewable form in its entirety on You Tube at present.
is followed by
Scene not included in final cut of movie:
Lt.-Col. Hal Moore meets General Westmoreland and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara after the battle
Sgt MacKenzie
Mansions of the Lord
Theme song from the movie performed by the Cadet Glee Club of West Point
The Making of We Were Soldiers
Vietnam War: America enters the war
A documentary
First of 5 clips
Battle of Ia Drang
This documentary (home made?) ends at the 21:27 mark and repeats.
Image result for Lt. Col. Harold Moore 1965
Lt.-Col. Moore, left, and Sgt.-Maj. Plumley,
right, in Vietnam in 1965 photo, returned
to Vietnam in the 1990s. Their experiences 
were recounted in a book We Are Soldiers
Still (2005). 
They Were Young and Brave
This documentary follows American veterans on their return visit to LZ X-Ray and LZ Albany in 1993.
Image result for Nguyễn Hữu An (1965)
Image result for Nguyễn Hữu An (1965)
Harold Moore toured the battlefield site with 
Nguyen Huu An, commander of the NVA in the Battle of Ia Drang, in 1993.
Hal Moore and the Battle of Ia Drang


West Point (2008)



Larry Gwin: LZ Albany 


West Point (2008) 



The Trip Back to LZ X-Ray


Harold Moore and Joe Galloway


West Point (2008)

LZ X-Ray Today
Kyle Le (2014)


In the U. S. army, a battalion at full strength usually has at 600 to 800 men. 


battalion is commanded by a lieutenant-colonel. Generally, the battalion commander is in the field with his trooops.


With the battalion's small command unit there is also the battalion's sergeant-major. With the batallion's command unit or headquarters, is a medical unit . . .  


Initially, one battalion, the First Battlation, was 

engaged in the Battle of LZ X-Ray. It had 450 men. The officer in command was Lieutenant Colonel Harold ("Hal") Moore. The sergeant-major was Basil Plumley.


A battalion usually consists of four companies   -   Company A or Alpha Company, Company B or Bravo Company, Company C or Charlie Company, and Company D or Delta Company. 


Af full strength, a company usually has 150 men.  Often, a company is much smaller.


A company is commanded by a captain.


A company usually consists of four platoons   -   First Platoon, Second Platoon, Third Platoon and Fourth Platoon. A platoon is led by a lieutenant.


There is a small command unit with the company's captain.


Platoons are usually divided into four squads, each commanded by a sergeant.


There are usually three to four fire teams in a squad. The fire team is led by a corporal.


There are usually four battalions in a brigade or regiment, which is commanded by a full colonel or a brigadier general. The brigade commander is generally not in the field or engaged directly in front line combat. 


Lt.-Col. Moore's battalion, the 1st Battalion, was with the 7th Cavalry Regiment. This regiment was formed in 1866. It was posted to the west to protect settlers against Indians.






The 7th Cavalry Regiment was the regiment of a battalion commanded by the legendary Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer.





Custer and his battalion were wiped out at the Battle of Little Bighorn (Custer's Last Stand) by Indians led by Chief Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse in 1876.


The 7th Cavalry Regiment was made up of many Irish immigrants. Thus, its marching tune was Gerry Owen.





The cavalry was mechanized after WWI (1914 - 1918) and motor vehicles replaced horses. In the Korean War (1950 - 1953), the cavalry rode to combat in helicopters for the first time. 


There are usually four brigades or regiments in a division. A division is commanded by a major-general.


The 7th Cavalry Regiment is with the 1st Cavalry Division, which was formed in 1921.



First Cavalry Division (Airmobile) in Vietnam


Episode from the U. S. Army documentary series The Big Picture



I am a Soldier


Episode from the ABC TV 1965 documentary series The Saga of Western Man 


This documentary follows Company A of the 1st Battalion of the of 8th Cavalry Regiment of the 1st Cavalry Division in the field in Vietnam in late 1965.



An Khe




Documentary describes the routine of the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) at its base in An Khe on December 9 - 11, 1965



Toward the end of the first day of the Battle of LZ X-Ray, November 14, Moore's battalion was joined by elements of a another batallion, the 2nd Battalion, also from the 7th Cavalry Regiment. 


The fighting on Chu Pong around LZ X-Ray continued into the next day, November 15. The rest of 2nd Battalion of the 7th Cavalry Regiment and the 2nd Battalion of the 5th Cavalry Regiment arrived.   


Fightig contiued into the next day, November 16.


Lt.-Col. Moore's battalion was withdrawn and airlifted by helicopter back to base on November 16.


The two other battalions pulled out of LZ X-Ray on the next day, November 17, to get out of the way of B-52 carpet bombing of the area.


B-52s bombed the hill and area about the abandoned LZ X-Ray.


The 2nd Battalion of the 5th Cavalry Regiment marched to LZ Columbus.


The 2nd Battalion of the 7th Cavalry Regiment marched to LZ Albany.  


Half of the 2nd/7th was wiped out in an ambush by the PAVN/NVA along the trail to LZ Albany. Fighting contunued throughout the night. 


The PAVN/NVA withdrew on the morning of November 18. 


LZ Columbus fought off several attacks during the night of November 18. The PAVN/NVA withdrew at midnight.



After Action Report
Battle of the Ia Drang



There are usually four divisions in a corps, which is commanded by a lieutenant-general.


There are four corps in an army, which is commanded by a general.


The supreme American military commander in Vietnam from 1964 to 1968 was General William Westmoreland. His position was Commander, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MAC-V). He wore four stars.



General   -   commands an army (wears four stars)

 Lieutenant-General   -   commands a corps (three stars)
  Major-General   -   commands a division (two stars)
   Brigadier General (wears one star)
    Colonel   -   commands a brigade or regiment 
Ranks of field combat positions:
     Lieutenant-Colonel   -   commands a battalion
       Captain   -   commands a company
        Lieutenant   -   leads a platoon
    Non-Commissioned Officers (NCO):
         Sergeant-Major   -   senior NCO advisor to battalion commander             
          Sergeant   -   commands a squad
           Corporal   -   leads a fire team 

Search and Destroy
Episode # 3 of the 1999 documentary series Battlefield Vietnam
Reviews events in Vietnam in 1965:
- the introduction of U. S. army infantry in May 1965
- the Battle of Chu Lai between the marines and the Viet Cong in August 1965
- the Battle of Plei Me
- the Battle of Ia Drang between the US Army and the PAVN/NVA in November 1965
- a survey of the Viet Cong. 
The Helicopter Door Gunner
Australians in Vietnam
The Battle of Long San
18 August 1966
The Battle of Long Tan
Documentary by Sam Worthington about Australians in Vietnam
Forgotten Heroes
Battle of Long Tan
Peter Harvey on 60 Minutes
The Battle of Long Tan
McGeorge Bundy
National Security Advisor
20 January 1961 - 28 February 1966
Interview (c. 1980) (1:02:55)
WGBH-TV Boston tapes
Image result for Nguyen Cao Ky in jet fighter
Premier Nguyen Cao Ky,
10 February 1966
Image result for Nguyen Cao Ky and wife on motor scooter
Premier Nguyen Cao Ky on front
cover of Time Magazine, 10
February 1966
Image result for Thieu and Ky 1967
South Vietnam on October 26, 1966. From left to right: U.S. president Lyndon B. Johnson; General William Westmoreland, Commander, U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV); Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Thieu, South Vietnamese head of state; and Prime Minister Nguyen Cao Ky.
389,000 American combat troops in Vietnam by the end of 1966.
In the field with the Marines
A Day in Vietnam
1967 documentary with Jack Webb about the US Marines in Viet Nam
Edward J. Banks
U. S. Marine company commander 1966 - 1967
Interview on January 25, 1982
WGBH TV Boston (1:18:23)
Thu Huong / Hanoi Hannah
Trịnh Thị Ngọ (1931 - 2016)
Radio Hanoi (1965 - 1973)
1968 broadcast
1992 interview by Brian Lamb in Saigon / Ho Chi Minh City
The Battle of Long Thien
February 27, 1967  -  February 28, 1969
The Ordeal of Con Thien
CBS News Special Report with Mike Wallace (1967)
Gen. Westmoreland Addresses a Joint-Meeting of Congress
April 28, 1967
Audio only 

President Johnson
Press Conference
April 1967
Related image
Lieut. Gen. Nguyen Van Thieu is sworn in as President of South Vietnam in Saigon on 31 October 1967. Beside him is Nguyễn Cao Kỳ, his vice-president. 
Vietnam Elections
Thieu and Ky Gain Victory
Universal Pictures Newsreel
Image result for Nguyen Van Thieu 1967
Nguyen Van Thieu, President of South Vietnam, on the front over of Time Magazine, September 15, 1967
Interview with Generals Dwight Eisenhower and Omar Bradley
CBS-TV, November 24, 1967
Part 1.
Part 2
This is Saigon
Part 84 of the Vietnam War
On the TV program Scope
American Broadcasting Company (ABC) (1967)
Women in the Viet Cong 1967

The B-52:


Vietnam - 4258th Strategic Wing operations out of U Tapao


Documentary film follows a B-52 bombing mission over Khe Sanh in Vietnam from U Tapao in Thailand in 1968

Dance with Death
Episode about shooting down American pilots in Vietnam from the Russian documentary series Wings of Russia (Russian with English sub-titles)
(poor quality image but good captions)
(better quality image but tiny captions)
(better qulaity image but without captions)
In five clips (best quality and captions)
On the fate of downed American pilots
Pilots in Pajamas
East German anti-American pro-communist propaganda documentary 
(Spring 1968) 
In English
4 parts
1. Yes, Sir
2. Hanoi Hilton
3. All in Day's Work
4. The Phantoms and the Thunderchiefs
Hoa Lo Prison (Hanoi Hilton)

Vietnam War POW Propaganda Piece


P.O.W. Captain Jerry Coffee:
Lessons Learned from 7 Years in Captivity
The Hanoi Hilton
1987 Hollywood movie about American POWs in Hanoi (2 hrs., 6 min.)
Vietnamese capture wounded Navy pilot John McCain in Trúc Bạch Lake in Hanoi, after he bailed out from his plane, on October 26, 1967
John McCain
Navy fighter pilot, POW in the Hanoi Hilton, 1967 - 1973; senior officer from 1968 
Bud Day
POW Cellmate of McCain
Image result for american POWs in hanoi - vietnam war
John McCain in his cell at
the Hanoi Hilton
John McCain
2002 interview
Library of Congress
Return with Honor
USAF documentary
Honor Bound
Stuart Rochester on American POWs in S. E. Asia from 1961 to 1973 (1999)
Interview by Brian Lamb
Bob Hope Christmas Tour 1967
Bob Hope and Raquel Welch on the Bob Hope 1967 Christmas Tour with troops in the Pacific
Raquel Welch dances with soldiers on stage
485,000 U. S. combat troops in South Vietnam 
at the end of 1967.

Khe Sanh
Khe Sanh under siege by the NVA
21 January – 9 July 1968
The Battle of Khe Sanh
US Department of Defense documentary about the the US Marine defense of Khe Sanh under siege by the NVA in 1968
Siege at Khe Sanh
Episode # 8 of the documentary series Battlefield Viernam
The Marines abandoned their base on July 9
                 Tet Offensive
                January 30 - March 28, 1968
Map below displays NVA attacks in South Vietnam during Tet in 1968
external image Tet-Offensive-Map.jpg
General William Westmoreland

Press Conference, Saigon, February 1, 1968


General William Westmoreland
American Embassy, Saigon, February 1, 1968
Comments for CBS news report
LBJ and Robert McNamara

Telephone conversation about the Tet Offensive

January 31, 1968


General Westmoreland requests 206,000 more combat troops.


LBJ and Robert McNamara

Telephone conversation about Gen. Westmoreland's request for more troops

February 12, 1968   -   12:25 p. m.

              The truth about Tet 1968
The American press maintained that the nation-wide Viet Cong (VC) offensive, launched on Tet (Vietnamese New Year) in January 1968, was a major victory for the VC and NVA and a turning point in the Vietnam War.
In fact, the VC and NVA offensive was thoroughly repulsed by non-communist forces and accomplished nothing of immediate or lasting military significance for the VC or the North Vietnamese. 
But the reality was obscured by the press, who handed the VC a propaganda victory.
Episode from the documentary series 20th Century Battlefields with Peter and Dan Snow
Focuses on the 1968 Tet Offensive
1968 Vietnam - Tet Offensive
The Tet Offensive
Episode from the documentary series Declassified
Tet in Saigon and Hue
Episode from the documentary series Vietnam: The Frontlines on the History Channel
Hue, Old Imperial City
January 30 - March 1968
We were there - Hue 1968
Vietnam War - Hue City 1968
Vietnam Hue Siege Aftermath
Hue City Massacre
it has been claimed that the North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong massacred as many as 10,000 civilians duirng its Tet Offensive

The Tet Offensive

Comments by James Lindsey from the series Lessons Learned

Episode 6 of the 1983 documentary series Vietnam - a Television History
Vietnam War   -   The Impact of Media   
Narrated by Charlton Heston, the 1984 program exposes the distorted and misleading reports of the media about Tet, particularly in the TV series Vietnam - a Television History
The claim that the Tet Offensive hastened the replacement of General William Westmoreland as top military commander in Vietnam may be true, or in part true. His promotion to US Army Chief of Staff had been scheduled many months before Tet.   
Mike Wallace interviews William Westmoreland
It's neither here nor there... 
The Uncounted Enemy:
A Vietnam Deception
Episode from the documentary series CBS Reports
Narrated by Mike Wallace
January 23, 1982 (90 minutes)
In 3 clips of poor quality ans shortened length:
Gen. Westmoreland sued CBS, Mike Wallace and two others for libel. He demanded $120 million. The case was settled out of court in 1985.
Mike Wallace discusses The Uncounted Enemy: A Vietnam Deception
General William C. Westmoreland
Top US military commander in South Vietnam (1964 - 1968) 
Biographical sketch
South Carolina Hall of Fame (1986)
General Westmoreland
WGBH-TV Boston (1981) (1:24:51)
The claim that Tet also hastened the resignation of defense secretary Robert McNamara (1961 - 1968) may be true, or in part true. Some claim he was fired by President Johnson. Many months earlier, in June 1967, 
McNamara had accepted an appointment as president of the World Bank.  

Robert McNamara announces his resignation as defence secretary and his appointment as president of the World Bank

November 11, 1967 


The Fog of War

Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara

Interview with Robert McNamara (2000)


The Fog of War

Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara

Documentary (2003)

Note that the video in this upload runs at a reduced low speed

Interview on Hard Talk

BBC-TV 1998





Lyndon Johnson

Remarks on Decision to not seek Reelection

March 31, 1968
It may be true that negative press coverage of the Tet Offensive dissuaded President Lyndon Johnson from running for re-election that year.
Excerpt (ending):
Entire Address:
Path to War
TV movie (2002) (2:44:35)

South Korean army massacres in Quang Nam Province, February 1968
79 killed in Phong Nhi and Phong Nhat, Feb. 12
135 killed at Ha My, February 25
"The My Lai Massacre"
March 16, 1968

Son My


Tu Cung ("My Lai 4")/Me Khe 4/My Lai 1 ("Pinkville")



Image result for where is my lai? (on map of Indochina)



Image result for my lai map


A Viet Cong (VC) battalion was reported to be in the coastal village of Son My in Quang Ngai Province. Its headquarters was believed to be in the hamlet of My Lai (# 1). Thus, the US army called this hamlet Pinkville.


Intelligence officers and advisors from various agencies decided to clear Son My of all inhabitants. All or parts of it were to be declared "free-fire zones". The initial attack was to be on the morning of March 16, 1968. The operation in Son My was to take three days, from March 16 to 18.


(There were press reports in late November 1969 that four CIA agents, meeting in a hotel in Vietnam in mid-March 1968, planned the operation.) 


Soldiers were to encounter the VC. They were advised that the village would be deserted and that the villagers would be away at the local morning market.


They were told that they were to destroy the village, kill anyone they saw, kill all the animals, poison the wells, and leave the area uninhabitable.


That was often the procedure in Vietnam. It was called Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). 



Three infantry companies   -   A (Alpha), B (Bravo) and C (Charlie)   -   were to conduct the operation together with the US Navy.
A (Alpha) Co. would take up a blocking position north of Son My.
B (Bravo) Co. would land by helicopter near the sea, in or to the south of Son My.
C (Charlie) Co. would land two to three kilometers inland, in the west of Son My.
Naval boats would patrol the coast off Son My. 

Source: The Economist

Two companies   -   B (Bravo) and C (Charlie)   -   were to sweep through the village. 
C Co., landing in the west, would sweep to the east.
B Co., landing in the south, would sweep to the north.
Related image

Source: The Economist

On the morning of March 16, the operation began with artillery shelling of My Lai (# 4). Then helicopters strafed the area. This was Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). At least one reported taking ground fire.

Between 0750 and 1420 hours on March 16, 1968, two infantry companies, Bravo and Charlie, massacred some 500 people in two villages.

Source: The Economist


Soldiers of the three platoons of C Company   -   First, Second and Third (the latter with the company's Command Unit)   -   were landed by helicopters west of the hamlet of My Lai (# 4). Helicopter pilots warned that they would be landing under fire. Once on the ground, the soldiers fired into the hamlet. This was Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).


Related image

Aerial view from the northeast of the hamlet of Tu Cung (My Lai 4). At the bottom of the photo is the sub-hamlet of Binh Tay.



First and Second platoons proceeded eastward into the hamlet. 


Only elderly men, women and children were encountered in the hamlet.


Second Platoon swept through the north of My Lai (# 4) to its eastern end, shooting any people encountered along the way. This was Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).


First Platoon swept eastward through the center of My Lai (# 4), destroying the hamlet and shooting inhabitants.


First and Second platoons met at the eastern end of the hamlet. 


Second Platoon then swept westward back through the hamlet, shooting inhabitants on the way.


Source: The Economist


Third Platoon, with the command unit, approached My Lai (# 4) from the south. On the way, the platoon encountered a large group of villagers leaving the village on the road and killed them.


Third Platoon entered My Lai (# 4) and joined First and Second Platoons in killing more inhabitants throughout the village, including a large number herded into an irrigation ditch.


After an hour or so, First Platoon moved eastward out of My Lai (# 4).


Second Platoon moved into a sub-hamlet to the north, Binh Tay, destroyed it and killed more than a dozen inhabitants.  


Army helicopter crews flying over My Lai (# 4) were upset by the sight of the many bodies of villagers. Dropping down to ground level, they pulled a surviving villager from a ditch full of bodies.


Helicopter crews spotted soldiers of Second Platoon moving east out of Binh Tay through a field and heading toward villagers hiding in a bunker. A helicopter dropped down to ground level between the bunker and the advancing soldiers, who accepted the pilot's suggestion that the villagers in the bunker be evacuated by helicopter.  


Source: The Economist

B Co. was standing by, in position, near the hamlet of My Khe (# 4), two to three kilometers to the east, by the sea. 


C Co. informed B Co. that the enemy had not been encountered.


Second Platoon, B Company then proceeded northward toward the hamlet of My Lai (# 1)   -   "Pinkville"   -   where the VC battalion headquarters, the main objective of the operation, was believed to be.


Second Platoon abandoned the objective   -   "Pinkville"   -   after losing three men to mines along the way, including the second lieutenant who led the platoon.  


Second Platoon and Third Platoon of B Company then met at a point to the north and west of "Pinkville".


Source: The Economist

First Platoon of Bravo Company proceeded east into the hamlet of My Khe (# 4), by the sea, destroyed it and killed about 100 of the inhabitants.
Charlie Company headed east to join Bravo Company. Passing through the hamlet of My Lai (# 5), several young local men were picked up for interrogation. About eight to ten were shot and killed by their interrogators   -   the captain in command of Charlie Company and an army intelligence officer.


Perhaps a dozen actual VC were killed in Son My that day.


It was estimated that between 150 and 300 inhabitants were killed in Son My by the early afternoon. The final count was 504.


Some American soldiers refused to kill women, children and the elderly.


Six-and-one-half hours into the operation, the foot soldiers received the order, relayed from the lieutenant-colonel commanding the operation from a helicopter hovering above the area, to stop the killing. (It was not the first such order but the killing ended at that point.)


Some soldiers wondered why the killing had to stop.


The operation resumed the next day, March 17.


C Company went to the hamlets of My Khe (# 1) and My Khe (# 3) and reportedly killed two VC. 


A and B companies . . .


                            After the Operation


The VC battalion, which was supposed to be in Son My, had been greatly reduced during the Tet Offensive the month before, in February. Only a small number remained in Son My. It was later reported that the VC battalion was actually in the mountains far to the west of Son My and trying to regroup at the time.


A few American soldiers complained to their senior officers (and some later to congressmen) about the killing of women, children and elderly people by other soldiers.


Two to three months after the massacre, the lieutenant-colonel who commanded the operation in Son My and the captain in command of Bravo Company were killed in a helicopter accident. 


The leader of Charlie Company's second platoon, which partook in the killing in My Lai (# 4), did all the killing in the sub-hamlet of Binh Tay, and was the platoon involved in the bunker incident reportedly committed suicide some time later.


Eventually, word about a massacre of Vietnamese villagers got out and there was an inquiry by the army.


Was the killing of many inhabitants an unavoidable part of an operation to clear an area and to be expected? 


Or was the killing of inhabitants commmitted by soldiers gone bezerk?


Army investigators concluded that the massacre of the inhabitants of Son My was well-thought out in advance, carefully planned, organized and deliberate.


The army investigators recommended criminal charges against several junior officers for their conduct in the field.


The investigators also recommended criminal charges against senior officers who planned and commanded the operation from remote locations for not reporting the massacre and for covering it up.


The army investigation and inquiry and the army courts-martial were deliberatly limited and intended largely for show. Many soldiers were never questioned by army investigators or summoned to testify before the courts-martial.


One army officer, for instance, who was assigned to a desk job in the area of the massacre, ignored (glossed over) a report of the massacre that was passed on to him. He could have been ruined if questioned. He went on to become chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and US secretary of state. For decades -  and to this day -  some have touted him as a possible candidate for US president. He was one of several soldiers passed up by investigators without explanation.


Army investigators tried to hide B (Bravo) Company's massacre of villagers in My Khe (# 4) from the press.


The government bribed and coerced the press to ignore the extent of the massacre and involvment of American soldiers.


One competent and hard-driving junior field officer, the second lieutenant who led Charlie Company's first platoon, was set up by the army as the fall-guy and scapegoat for condemnation in the press long before the army investigation and army courts-martial.


Of 26 soliders charged by the courts-martial only one soldier   -   the leader of Charlie Company's first platoon, one of the three platoons involved in the killing at My Lai (# 4)   -   was convicted. He was sentenced to life in prison.


The captain in command of Charlie Company was tried and acquitted of all charges.


The second lieutenant who led Charlie Company's third platoon (with the company's command unit), which killed the villagers on the road and partook in the killing in My Lai (# 4), was not charged.


The second lieutenant who led Bravo Company's first platoon, which committed the massacre in My Khe (# 4), was charged but not tried. 


Following a huge outcry of indignation from the American public that the lone convicted soldier had been following orders and perfoming his duty, the American president ordered his release and he was parolled after three years of house arrest on an army base.


The division commander, a major-general, at the time of the massacre, went on to become the superintendent of the U. S. Military Academy at West Point. But for covering up the massacre, he was denied promotion and demoted, stripped of his Distinguished Service Medal and compelled to leave the academy. 




There were many massacres of village inhabitants in Vietnam. Massacres by American, South Korean, North Vietnamese and South Vietnamese soldiers are known. But most of the massacres were never made public.



Note: In the US army a company often consists of 150 men at full strength and is commanded by a captain. A company is usually divided into four platoons   -   First, Second, Third and Fourth   -   each led by a lieutenant. There is also a unit or platoon with the company commander. The platoons are usually divided into four squads, each commanded by a sergeant.


There are usually four companies   -   A (Alpha), B (Bravo), C (Charlie) and D (Delta)  -   in a battalion, which is commanded by a lieutenant-colonel. There are usually four battalions in a brigade, which is commanded by a full colonel. There are usually four brigades in a division, which is commanded by a major-general. There are usually four divisions in a corps, which is commanded by a lieutenant-general. There are four corps in an army, which is commanded by a general. 


There are often exceptions to this rule. Battalions are sometimes identified as part of a regiment.   



National Archives, Wash., D. C.


National Archives, Suitland, Maryland



The My Lai Inquiry
The Economist
Introduction to My Lai Tapes

My Lai Tapes

From the BBC Documentary series

In 2005 a British journalist searching in a branch of the National Archives in Suitland, Maryland, near Washington, D. C., discovered 400 hours of testimony recorded by more than 400 witnesses under oath, with transcripts, by a secret army inquiry at the Pentagon from December 1969 to March 1970.

A two-year examination of the testimony revealed critical facts about the killing at Son My on March 16, 1968 that were long played down or covered up by the army and ignored by the press:

The massacre of civilians was not a wild free-for-all by soldiers running amok but carefully planned and organized in advance.

This was also the report of army investigators. 

Robert Hodierne (2008)

Part 1. (23 min.) (must be downloaded for listening)

Part 2. (23 min.) (must be downloaded for listening)
Also, a longer program: 
(must be downloaded for listening) (56:18): 
There is also recording of all radio traffic during the operation in the National Archives.
The well-known report of the Army Review of Preliminary Investigations into the My Lai Incident, (March 14, 1970), is available at:
Many articles, documentary films, movies, lectures and interviews about Son My/My Lai/Pinkville present an unbalanced and misleading view of events, with conspicuous omissions of crucial facts, particularly about the actual objective(s), planning and conduct of the entire operation at Son My.
Despite the passage of time   -   nearly half a century   -   and the public revelations of the past decade, few in the media mention the second massacre or the second company; most mention only a single platoon and blame one soldier. 
Five such mispresentations:

Four Hours in My Lai

Three-part documentary film presented on the weekly TV program First Tuesday on Yorkshire TV (1989).

This documentary deliberately omits crucial facts about the planning and execution of the operation. 

Part 1. (30:03)

Part 2. (30:15)

Part 3. (08:52)

Or in 7 clips:







This documentary was presented in the U. S. on the TV program Frontline in 1989 as Remember My Lai with essentially the same film footage and narration by an American narrator.
How did the My Lai Massacre become public? (1994)
A lecture by Seymour Hersh, free-lance journalist on the Pentagon beat who publicized the massacre at My Lai # 4 in November 1969

Tulane U., New Orleans, Louisiana, 1994 (1:17:41)

Advertisement for Hersh's political organization

Back to My Lai
A talk at the U. S. Naval Academy in 2004 with the helicopter pilot and door gunner who saved villagers at My Lai 4.
Includes a documentary with Mike Wallace from a 1998 installement of 60 Minutes on CBS with clips from earlier Wallace interviews for the same program in 1969.
The introduction to the documentary is a typical army and media account of events.
Was there an armed confrontation between a helicopter crew and C Company's second platoon? 
An interview with the helicopter gunner can be read on the American Experience website for its documentary about My Lai:
"To set the record straight, no one pointed any weapons at anybody . . . "
Also from the door gunner:
"First, there was an artillery prep that day, and we made sure that the artillery was finished. And we came on station at about 7:30 in the morning, and it was crystal clear. We came in at altitude, and dropped down and started flying low level. And the first thing we encountered was [an enemy] suspect. I think we came over a hill; he didn’t hear us. We must have been downwind, and we came over [a] rise, and he was in the middle of a rice paddy, in between two tree lines. We caught him out in the open. [The pilot] said, "I’m gonna take him on the right," which meant it was my job to fire on him. And he was carrying a carbine and a pack. He was obviously VC, and he was evading, and [I] couldn’t hit him -- winged him a couple of times, but he made it to a treeline and got away. [He] got a couple of shots off at us. I think we called a gun-run in on him, but that was the only Vietcong or the only enemy suspect I saw that day."
The following two videos, released in 2010 and 2011, ignore completely crucial facts made public earlier.
My Lai
PBS film documentary from the American Experience series (2010) (1:23:40)
This documentary was edited to give an inaccurate and deliberately misleading account and impression of persons and events
The documentary was probably produced to compliment an Italian action-movie version of events released one year later, in 2011.     
My Lai Four
2011 Italian movie plays up the false claim that one soldier in the field was responsible for the massacres in Son My     
In Quang Ngai Province alone, South Korean soldiers massacred 280 villagers on October 9 and 10, 1966 and 430 vilagers from December 3 to 6, 1966.
In the Delta of South Vietnam, the CIA ordered and led several large massacres of civilians by American and South Vietnamese soldiers.


Harold Moore commanded a battalion at the Battle of Ia Drang in 1965. In his book, We Are Soldiers Still, published 2005, Moore remarked that if the lieutenant-colonel commanding the task force in the My Lai operation had been on the ground with his trooops instead of in a helicopter high above them, the massacre could have been prevented. 




Johnson Announces Paris Peace Talks
May 1968
Richard Nixon's Political Comeback
Richard Nixon was Dwight Eisenhower's vice-president for eight years, from 1953 to 1961. Eisenhower suffered heart attacks in 1955 and 1957. Nixon became a more noticeable vice-president. He traveled abroad extensively. In Eisenhower's second term, Nixon was a prominent world figure.  
Nixon was a logical choice to succeed Eisenhower. He ran for president in 1960. He was the most experienced candidate. Many believe he lost the 1960 election through Democratic Party voter fraud.  
After conceding defeat in the 1960 presidential contest Nixon returned to private law practice in his home state of California.
In 1962, Nixon ran in the election for the office of state governor of California and lost. It appeared that Nixon's career in politics was over.
Lyndon Johnson, the president, would have won re-election in 1968 had he run. But he preferred not to.
The most likely candidates at that point were the vice-president, Hubert Humphrey, and the liberal Republican governor of New York, Nelson Rockefeller. 
Over the course of the year, Nixon, emerged as a possible dark horse candidate for the nomination of the Republican Party.
Nixon won the Republican Party's nomination, besting Rockefeller and Ronald Reagan, the conservative governor of California.
It was a remarkable political comeback.
Related image
Nixon wins nomination of Republican Party  
Nixon's Acceptance Speech
1968 Republican Party Convention
Nixon chose a virtually unknown politician, Spiro Agnew, the governor of Maryland, as his vice-presidential candidate.
Nixon claimed he chose Agnew because he needed a southerner on the ticket.
Agnew was the son of a Greek immigrant.
Many were appalled by Nixon's choice of Agnew as running mate. Some considered Agnew a front-man for gangsters.
1968 Nixon Campaign Commercial - Vietnam War
It was apparent that President Johnson was for Nixon. He did not campaign wholeheartedly for Hunphrey.
Nixon won a close presidential race, beating the Democratic Party candidate, Humphrey, and a strong independent third party challenger, George Wallace, governor of Alabama.

The Vietnam War and the 1968 U. S. Elections
Summary of the 1968 Presidential Election Contest
Tom Brokaw
Nixon wins 1968 Presidential Election
Chet Huntley and David Brinkley
NBC News
Presidential Victory Speech
November 6, 1968 
Chen Xiangmei (Anna Chennault)
Image result for anna chennault 
Anna Chennault
        The October Surprise
Anna Chennault's Intervention 
Did Nixon scuttle Johnson's peace talks before the election? 
The story was that President Johnson had secured a deal for peace with the Viet Cong and that the deal would be made public at a conference just before election day. Johnson called a halt to American aerial bombing of North Vietnam and announced that peace was about to be agreed.
Thus, Johnson believed, more American voters would vote for his party, the Democrats, and elect Hubert Humphrey.   
The Repubican presidential candidate, Richard Nixon, anticipated such a deal. So, according to the story,  he asked his advisor, Henry Kissinger, to ask Anna Chennault, one of the most prominent persons in Washington society, to persuade the South Vietnamese leadership not to attend the peace conference that was scheduled to take place just before voting day. This would deny Johnson the peace deal he felt his party needed to win the election. 
The South Vietnamese absented themselves from the peace conference for the first twelve days of November.
Anna Chennault, widow of Flying Tiger legend Claire Chennault, on Vietnam
Interview in 1967
Presidential candidate Nixon scuttled peace deal through contacts
MSNBC, March 19, 2013
President Johnson and Georgia Senator Richard Russell
Phone call, October 30, 1968
President Johnson and Illinois Senator Everett Dirksen
Phone call, November 2, 1968
About the Johnson - Dirksen phone call
Ken Hughes on American Forum, Charlottesville, Virginia (2014)
President-elect Nixon and President Johnson
Telephone conversation, November 8, 1968

Kissinger: The story is not true  
I was not Nixon's advisor in the 1968 presidential campaign . . . I met Anna Chennault after the elections.
Interview (c. 1990?)
The story is not true, says Kissinger biographer 
Niall Ferguson on American Forum, Charlottesville, Virginia (2015)
(To 10:10 mark)

US troop level reaches its peak at 549,500 by the end of 1968.
• Most experts today do not think the ships were
• This was Johnson’s ploy to get more involved in
• On...
Graph shows the increase in the number of U. S. combat troops in South Vietnam from June 1965 to December 1968
Nixon's Inauguration 
Washington, D. C.
January 20, 1969
The Inaugural Story - 1969
The Inauguration of Richard Nixon 
Ball of Confusion
Three-part 2015 documentary film about the 1968 presidential race
                    Hill 937

Hamburger Hill
1987 Hollywood movie about a battle on a hill, # 937, in the A Shau Valley in South Vietnam, May 10 - 20, 1969   
(Removed from You Tube)
Opening scene
Assault scenes
Hamburger Hill


Best available version of the movie on You Tube at present 


The Assault on Hamburger Hill
Film footage from CBS Archives
Battle of A Shau Valley
The Silent Majority
Full televised address to the nation about Vietnam by President Richard Nixon
November 3, 1969
Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum in Hanoi
The Passing of Ho
CBS news with Walter Cronkite, September 3, 1969
Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum
Hanoi, Vietnam
with tour guide
Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum
Hanoi (2014)
Ho Chi Minh   -   A Life
Interview with William Duiker, author (2000)
En Direct De Saigon (1967-1970)
Episode 5
Documentaire en 6 épisodes de Henri de Turenne sortie en 1984
Front cover of the June 20,
1969 issue of Time magazine
Charting the war
Sources, statistics and charts differ. The graph below is one of many. It is fairly accurate.
The above graph displays the level of U. S. troops in Vietnam from January 1, 1961 to December 1, 1971.
The chart displays the long steady increase in the level of American troops to its peak at 549,500 at the end of 1968.
Nixon assumed office with his inauguration on January 20, 1969.
The withdrawal of American troops from South Vietnam began in June 1969 and the troop level decreased steadily from that point.
Bob Hope Christmas 1969

Neil Armstrong and Bob Hope

Five months after stepping onto the moon, Astronaut Neil Armstrong visited troops at Christmas with Bob Hope
Cambodia and Laos
As Nixon pulled American troops out of South Vietnam, he increased the bombing of the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Laos and Cambodia and ordered attacks on Communist camps in Cambodia.
add here operations ground and air
March 1969 - April 1975
Aerial bombing and ground attacks
American and South Vietnamese troops invade Cambodia, May - June 1970
President Nixon's Address on Cambodia
April 30, 1970
Cambodia and Laos
Episode 8 of 11 of the documentary series Vietnam: A Television History
The Trials of Henry Kissinger
A short excerpt from a 2002 documentary The Trials of Henry Kissinger.
This documentary was prepared by Kissinger's detractors, who sought to blame him for decisions and actions of President Nixon they objected to.
The documentary failed to mention what many believed: American arms dealers were the cause of extensive bombing of Cambodia and Laos and the prolonged US involvement in Indo-China.

U. S. troop level in South Vietnam down to 335,790 at the end of 1970.

Vietnam Veterans Against the War
An organization of Vietnam veterans formed in 1967
Winter Soldier Investigation
Some American veterans offered to recount their experiences in Vietnam at a "war crimes hearing" held by Vietnam Veterans Against the War in Detroit, Michigan from January 31 to
February 2, 1971.
Winter Soldier
Documentary film of the January 1971 meeting in Detroit released in 1972
Both sides claim victory
Operation Lam Son 719
8 February  -  25 March 1971
South Vietnamese attack into Laos, to the town of Tchepone, Operation Lam Son 719, February 1971
Excerpt from an episode of the 1980 
documentary series Vietnam  -  The Ten Thousand Day War
A Raid Too Far
Operation Lam Son 719
Lecture by James Willbanks at the Dole Institute of Politics, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas
Lam Son 719
Laos Incursion 1971
Birth of Modern Army Aviation
ROTC lecture by Jim Willams
U. S. Army Aviation Center, Alabama 
Lam Son 719
Episode 1 of 6 of the documentary series Battlefield Diaries

President Nixon and Reverend Billy Graham


Kennedy at fault for the murder of Diem and the American enntry into Vietnam


Phone call


April 7, 1971

Fatal Politics
The Nixon Tapes, Vietnam, and the Biggest
Republican Presidential Landslide
By Ken Hughes
Episode 1
Secret Timetable
Episode 2
End Date
Episode 3
Decent Interval (I)
Part 1.
Part 2.
Decent Interval (II)
Trading South Vietnam and Taiwan for an open Red China
The Republic of China (ROC)
  Chiang Kai-Shek's China
   Nationalist China
    Kuo Min Tang China
     Republic of China (ROC)
      Free China
Image result for Republic of China (ROC) flag
The Face of Free China
Documentary (1960)
Assignment Taiwan
An episode from the U. S. Army TV program
documentary series The Big Picture (c. 1966)
The Army in Taiwan
Episode from the US Army documentary series The Big Picture
The People's Republic of China (PRC)
Mao's China
 Communist China
  Red China
   The Chicoms
    Mainland China
     People's Republic of China (PRC)
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Long March to Power
Episode from a New York Times documentary series Portraits of Power - Those Who Shaped the Twentieth Century narrated by Henry Fonda
Establishing ties with Communist China
Asia during the Cold War (1950 - 1975) 
American President Richard Nixon sought to establish diplomatic ties with Mao's communist China
Nixon's emissary Henry Kissinger visited China in July and October 1971.
Kissinger, left, with China's leaders Zhou
En-Lai, center, and Mao Tse-Tung, right, 
in July or October 1971
Front cover of the July 26, 1971
issue of Time magazine
President Nixon announces trip to China
On July 15, 1971, President Nixon announced that the communist Chinese had invited him to visit China
Kissinger with Chinese officials at the Great Wall of China in October 1971
As Kissinger arranged Nixon's up-coming trip with Chinese officials in China in October 1971, the United Nations General Assembly in New York ousted Taiwan (Formosa/Nationalist China/Republic of China) and replaced it with Communist China (PRC). The PRC took also the ROC seat on the UN Security Council as a permanent member.
P. R. China Admitted to UN
History Mania
British Movietone newsreel film footage
British Movietone colour film
American troop level in South Vietnam down to 157,000 at the end of 1971
Nixon's China Game
Episode from the American Experience documentary series
6 clips
The Inside Story of Richard Nixon's 1972 Journey to China
2010 discussion with Dwight Chapin, Deputy Assistant to President Nixon; Jack Brennan, Military Aide to the President Nixon; Larry Higby, Assistant White House Chief-of-Staff
Nixon in China (1972)
(The Film)
American President Richard Nixon, left, and the Chinese leader Mao Tse-Tung in Peking in February 1972
Nixon, left, and Chinese Premier Chou En-Lai in Peking in February 1972
Zhou En-lai
Obituary (1976)
In 1979, the U. S. withdrew diplomatic recognition of Taiwan (ROC) and recognized the People's Republic (PRC). The American Embassy in Taipei moved to Peking. 
The One China Policy
China Uncensored
Why China and Taiwan hate each other?
What if China and Taiwan went to War?
China in Revolution
Part 2. 1911 - 1976 (1:54:06)
The Soviets were impressed by the show. They did not want to be left out and so they invited Nixon to visit them too

Nixon with Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev in Moscow in May 1972
Nixon's visit to USSR
May 1972   -   two months after visit to China
NIxon visited the USSR as American vice-president in 1959. On this trip, in 1972, he was the first American president to visit the Soviet Union since Roosevelt attended the WW2 summit at Yalta in 1945. Nixon was also the first American president to visit Moscow.  
Brezhnev visited the U. S. in the following year, 1973. 
No progress

Vietnam Peace Talks


1972 British documentary (10 min. 39 sec.)


or, the same:

North Vietnamese Army (NVA) Easter Offensive
Operation Linebacker   -   US bombs North Vietnam  
            March 30 - October 22, 1972
North Vietnamese invasion and attacks in the Easter Offensive
"Peace with Honor"
Part 11 of the Battlefield Vietnam documentary series 
The Battle of An Loc
Short documentary (07:49)
The Battle of An Loc
Thames Television reports on the NVA siege of the South Vietnamese town of An Loc on Highway 13
20 April 1972
The Battle of Kontom
The Siege of Kontum
Feature from Granada Television programme World in Action
5 June 1972
Note: The Montagnards of the Central Highlands are Mon-Khmer and Malayo-Polynesian hill tribes
Vietnam Combat TOW Missile Firings
Rockets fired from US Army helicopters
Gun camera film footage
May 1972
B-52 Bombing Damage in North Vietnam
June 1972
On the Carpet Bombing of Hanoi
Silent film footage
Anti-Aircraft Guns about Hanoi
Eric Ericson, Swedish Television News
October 1972
John Paul Vann
1924 - June 9, 1972

John Paul Vann in Vietnam
A Bright Shining Lie
1998 HBO TV series A Bright Shining Lie (1 hr. 58 min.) 
The movie:
The Making of A Bright Shining Lie
Interview with Neil Sheehan
The author of A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam, published in 1988, on Conversations with History (UCTV)
It should be noted here that Sheehan sold 
his rights to the television series to Jane Fonda.
Who was Jane Fonda?
     Who was Tom Hayden?
Tom Hayden, left, and Jane Fonda,
right, in the U. S. after their trip to
Hanoi in 1972.
The couple eventually married and
the press dubbed them "Hanoi Jane"
and "Mr. Jane Fonda".
There was Axis Sally in Germany and Tokyo Rose in Japan in WW2.
There was Hanoi Jane in Vietnam.
The film footage referred to here is of an American film actress and political activist, Jane Fonda, daughter of the Hollywood movie star, Henry Fonda (Ox-Bow Incident), and her American husband, Tom Hayden, shouting at an American PoW in Hanoi, calling him a war criminal and murderer of Vietnamese people. North Vietnamese soldiers, civilian officials and cameramen are present.
(Removed from You Tube)
There is almost no reference to the incident referred to above  -  Hayden and Fonda publicly accusing an American PoW of murder and war crimes in Hanoi  -  on the Internet at present.
Fonda and American PoWs at Hoa Lo Prison ("Hanoi Hilton") in 1972
The PoWs were American pilots shot down over North Vietnam and held in prison in Hanoi. Fonda and Hayden told their North Vietnamese hosts they wanted to see them. The PoWs were dragged unwillingly before Fonda and Hayden. They were warned by prison guards what to say and what not to say and threatened with punishment if they did not cooperate. Some of the PoWs were tortured by Vietnamese guards afterward.
Fonda also broadcast propaganda over Hanoi radio.
Axis Sally and Tokyo Rose were considered traitors. Axis Sally was said to have slapped an American POW. After WW2 they were arrested, prosecuted and jailed in the US.
But Jane Fonda and Tom Hayden were never arrested or prosecuted.
Tom Hayden pursued a career in California state politics.
Jane Fonda was despised by many Americans.
Fonda became a big politico during the Vietnam conflict. She was invited by many anti-war protest organizers to give speeches at rallies.
Fonda is still a Hollywood celebrity today.
(The 2015 Miss USA, who was second runner-up in the 2015 Miss Universe contest, cited Fonda as her ideal role model.)
Much more has been said about Fonda posing with a Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun in Hanoi in 1972.
Jane Fonda Regrets Vietnam Photo:
"It Was a Huge, Huge Mistake"
From 1972 trip
Jane Fonda Broadcasts from Hanoi
Jane Fonda's Broadcasts on Radio Hanoi
From July 8 to August 27, 1972
Jane Fonda - American Traitor Bitch Decal
Hanoi Jane Traitor Patches

Hanoi Jane

Song by Leon Rausch

Jane Fonda interviewed by Phil Donahue
After Fonda's trip to Hanoi in September 1972
Full interview (5 clips):
Nixon wins re-election by landslide vote
November 7, 1972 
Radio broadcast in New York City on election day eve
November 6, 1972
Image result for nixon wins re election
New York Times, 7 November 1972
Image result for Nixon wins election - nixon greets supporters
Nixon greets supporters
after winning election,
7 November 1972
Nixon address to the nation after winning reelection
November 7, 1972
Nixon and Kissinger
Telephone conversation after election results
November 8, 1972
Vietnam Peace Talks in Paris Stall
Henry Kissinger
Press Conference
December 16, 1972
Operation Linebacker II
18 - 29 December 1972
The Christmas Bombings
File:Boeing B-52D-1-BW (SN 55-0049) 061127-F-1234S-018.jpg
Audio recording of President Richard Nixon and National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger discussing a 1972 Christmas bombing
December 2, 1972
Linebacker II
Episode # 8 of 8 of the 1998 documentary series Wings Over Vietnam
B-52 vs SAMs
Excerpt from 2012 documentary
B-52 Shot Down during Linebacker II in Vietnam
December 1972
The Story of Linebacker II
Lecture by Lt. Col. Howard Butcher on 9 October 2013 at the Norton Air Force Base Museum, San Bernardino, California  
B-52 raid on Hanoi with combat live map
December 26, 1972
Vietnam Commemorates 40th Anniversary of Linebacker II
December 2012
Hell Over Hanoi
Episode # 5 of the first season of the documentary series Dogfights (2006)
F-4 Phantoms based in Udon Thani in Thailand take on a Vietnamese MiG-21
Vietnam War aces
The 1972 Bob Hope Christmas Tour of Vietnam
December 1972
This was the last Bob Hope Christmas Tour to Vietnam 

Peace Agreement in Paris
January 23, 1973  

Related image
Chief North Vietnamese negotiator Le Duc Tho and chief American negotiator Henry Kissinger shake hands after concluding a peace agreement on January 23, 1973. The above photo was taken in front of the Hotel Majestic on Avenue Kleber in Paris, where the negotiations were conducted.
The Vietnam War
Excerpt from an episode of the documentary series America in the Twentieth Century 
Short description of the North Vietnamese Easter offensive in 1972 and the ceasefire agreement of 1973 (03:02)
President Richard Nixon announces the Paris Peace Accords
Comment by Encyclopaedia Britannica
January 23, 1973
Complete Address (09:33)
January 23, 1973
Vietnam Peace Agreement
Henry Kissinger explains the peace agreement
Press conference, January 24, 1973
Paris Peace Accords
Ending the conflict in Vietnam
Signed in Paris on January 27, 1973
Signing ceremony (No Sound)
President Nixon's Address to the Nation about Vietnam (and Domestic Problems)
March 29, 1973
Guerre du Vietnam
Au coeur de négociations secrètes
Documentaire (Arte) (2014)
The same in German as
Dr. Kissinger und Le Duc Tho
Das Ende eines Krieges
Doku (2014)
Kissinger and Nixon
1995 Hollywood TV movie about the main figures and events in the six months leading up to the Paris peace accords in January 1973: Nguyen Van Thieu, Le Duc Tho, Henry Kissinger, Richard Nixon, Linebacker II
"Peace is at Hand"
1968  -  1973
Episode 10 of 13 of the WGBH-TV (PBS in Boston) documentary series Vietnam: A Television History (1983, 1997, 2004)
Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho awarded 1973 Nobel Peace Prize
Kissinger could not go to Stockholm to receive the prize because of the controversy over the Nixon adminstation's involvement in the recent ouster of the president of Chile from office. 
Le Duc Tho refused the prize. Years later, he explained that he felt he could not share a peace prize with the aggressor (the U. S.) in the war.
The Trials of Henry Kissinger
2002 documentary about Kissinger by his detractors, based on the babbling of a village idiot and prepared by calumniators. It was meant to be self-serving. 
Henry Kissinger Reappraised
Kissinger biographer Niall Ferguson interviewed by Andrew Roberts on Intelligence2
The Emmanuel Centre, London, 12 October 2015
As the last American troops left South Vietnam in March 1973, American PoWs were released by North Vietnam.

"Americanization" and "Escalation"
"Vietnamisation" and "De-Escalation"











The graph above displays the level of American troops in South Vietnam from the beginning of 1959 to the end of March 1973.

Note the dramatic increase in American troops in South Vietnam during the administration of Lyndon Johnson, from 23,300 in 1964 to 536,100 in 1968.

Johnson ordered a halt to the aerial bombing of North Vietnam before the American presidential election of November 1968. Johnson's halt remained in effect till Nixon's bombing campaigns of 1972.

The new president, Richard Nixon, began to decrease the level of American troops in South Vietnam in mid-1969, not long after assuming office.  

Note the dramatic decrease by Nixon from half a million in early 1969 to 24,200 in 1972 and almost zero in 1973.


Allied Troop Levels in Vietnam

1960 to 1973

Year U. S. A. South VN Australia

South Korea

New Zealand Philippines Thailand
1959 760 243,000 -- -- -- -- --
1960 900 243,000 -- -- -- -- --
1961 3,205 243,000 -- -- -- -- --
1962 11,300 243,000 -- -- -- -- --
1963 16,300 243,000 -- -- -- -- --
1964 23,300 514,000 198 200 30 20 --
1965 184,300 642,500 1,560 20,620 120 70 20
1966 385,300 735,900 4,530 25,570 160 2,060 240
1967 485,600 798,700 6,820 47,830 530 2,020 2,200
1968 536,100 820,000 7,660 50,000 520 1,580 6,000
1969 475,200 897,000 7,670 48,870 550 190 11,570
1970 334,600 968,000 6,800 48,450 440 70 11,570
1971 156,800 1,046,250 2,000 45,700 100 50 6,000
1972 24,200 1,048,000 130 36,790 50 50 40
1973 50 1,110,000 -- -- -- -- --

SOURCE: Dept of Defense Manpower Data Center

There were American military advisors in South Vietnam. In 1963, for instance, there were some 40,000 American military advisors. This is not included in the figures above.

By 1973, there remained only a small contingent of U. S. Marines in Saigon. There were American military advisors with the South Vietnamese army. .  


The last American soldier left South Vietnam on March 29, 1973.


President Nixon

Address to the Nation about Vietnam (and domestic problems)

March 29, 1973


29th March 1973

Last US troops withdraw from Vietnam

History Pod


The Battle Behind Bars
Vietnam POWs
Leading with Honor
Vietnam POW Release
Archive Footage
First American POWs Released
February 12, 1973
(3 clips)
File:John McCain After Being Released as Prisoner of War.jpg
John McCain, center, and other American
POWs, just released from the Hanoi Hilton,
head for a C-41 plane that will take them to
the Philippines, March 14, 1973.
Film footage of the release of POW John McCain
March 1973
President Nixon's Address to Vietnam POWs

Washington, D. C., May 24, 1973

The Fall of Richard Nixon
Vice-President Spiro Agnew Resigns
October 1973
Vice-President Agnew, caught in a bribery scandal, was forced to resign from office
2013 notice
Agnew announces resignation
"Go Quietly or Else"
Agnew claimed he was threatened with death if he did not resign
Related image
New York Times, October 11, 1973
Gerald Ford, a Republican from Michigan and Speaker of the U. S. House of Representatives, replaced Agnew as VP
Following Agnew's resignation, other members of Nixon's cabinet were scandalized, one after the other, and forced to resign. Some were jailed.
Eventually, Nixon also, surrounded by scandal, was forced to resign in the following year, 1974.
Nixon was the first and only American president to resign from office. Yet, he is considered by many historians, especially in England, as one of the best American presidents, if not the best, in the last half of the twentieth century.
The Watergate Scandal
A Talk 
Image result for nixon resigns
New York Times, August 9, 1974
Image result for nixon resigns
Nixon announces resignation on TV
Nixon Resignation Speech
August 8, 1974
Vice-President Gerald Ford assumed the office of president.
Nelson Rockefeller, Republican governor of New York, was elected vice-president by Congress.
Ford appointed Henry Kissinger the new secretary of state.
Image result for ford, rockefeller and kissinger
From left to right: Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State and National Security Advisor; Nelson Rockefeller, Vice-President; and Gerald Ford, President, in the White House Oval Office

             The "Decent Interval"
"Decent interval" refers to the two-year period from the Paris Peace Agreement in January 1973 to the North Vietnamese invasion of South Vietnam in late 1974 and early 1975.  
Still America's War
A Report by John PIlger (1974)
Australian TV


Xuan Loc

British news report

12 April 1975

South Vietnam 18th Infantry Division

Last stand against North Vietnamese

Battle of Xuan Loc

12 days

Lecture by James Willbanks

Dole Institute of Politics


     The End of South Vietnam
President Nguyen Van Thieu (1973 - 75)
Nguyen Van Thieu interview
January 31, 1975
The North Vietnamese invaded South Vietnam in late 1974 and took Saigon in April 1975
North Vietnamese invasion, January - April 1975
The last big battle of the war

The Battle of Xuan Loc
38 miles north of Saigon
Last line of defense for the ARVN
Gateway to Saigon for the NVA

April 9 - 20, 1975
CBS News
General Lê Minh Đảo, commander of ARVN troops at Xuan Loc
Report from Xuan Loc
ARVN forces began to withdraw from Xuan Loc on April 19.
Image result for pres. nguyen van thieu announces resignation
South Vietnamese President Nguyễn Văn Thiệu resigned on April 21.
The vice-president, taking over, soon resigned.
The national assembly, meeting in full session, elected General Duong Van Minh ("Big Minh") president on April 27.
Minh took office on April 28.
Minh surrendered to North Vietnamese forces when they arrived at the presidential palace on April 30.
Duong Van Minh (sitting, right) declared surrender on Saigon radio, April 30, 1975. Photo by Pham Ky Nhan.

Duong Van Minh, seated at right, announces surrender over the radio in Saigon on April 30, 1975.

Minh was allowed to live at home. He moved to France in 1983. He died at in Pasedena, California in 2001.  
               The Fall of Saigon
                       April 30, 1975
Adieu Saigon (1970 - 1975)
Episode 6
Documentaire en 6 épisodes de Henri de Turenne sortie en 1984
The Fall of Saigon
Part 12 of the Battlefield Vietnam documentary series
55 Days - The Fall of Saigon
Documentary (1:27:32)
Or in 7 clips:
The Fall of Saigon
April 1975
British news report
Fall of Saigon
1975 NBC film shot by Neil Davis
Neil Davis, an Australian photographer, was killed while covering a Thai army coup attempt in Bangkok in 1985
   Journalists Killed in Action
    Documentary on Inside Story (1996) 
   Thirty Years On: The Death of Neil Davis 
     Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand (2015)
Les 30 jours de Saigon

French film from April and May 1975


Related image


Related image


Related image


Related image


Related image


Image result for Evacuation of Saigon - helicopters with refugees land on aircraft carrier


Image result for Evacuation of Saigon - helicopters with refugees land on aircraft carrier



Related image



The Final Hours

2015 WBUR documentary 


Operation Frequent Wind

Documentary about the evacuation of Americans and Vietnamese from Saigon

29  -  30 April 1975



With Operation Frequent Wind

Silent color film footage of the command ship USS Blue Ridge in Operation WestPac III

Includes Operation Frequent Wind


Details of a helicopter evacuation and ditching at sea


Last to Leave

The Fall of Saigon


Reliving the fall of Saigon with Vietnam vets and journalists

Forty years after the fall of Saigon

April 30, 2015


For your coffee break

America's Final Hours in Vietnam

Excerpts from several ABC News TV programs

The American War
Part 2 of 2 of the documentary Two Vietnam Wars

Vietnam from space in red. 3D illustration with highly detailed realistic planet surface. Elements of this image furnished by NASA.
South Vietnam falls to North Vietnam in early 1975





Vo Nguyen Giap

Related image

Vo Nguyen Giap (1911 - 2013), led the
Viet-minh in the Battle of Dien Bien
Phu against the French (1954)
Lạng Sơn (1950)
Hòa Bình (1951 - 1952)
Điện Biên Phủ (1954)

Interview avec le général Vo Nguyen Giap
Perspective on Vo Nguyen Giap
The Victor in Vietnam
Author Peter MacDonald interviewed by Brian Lamb (1993)

Vietnam War Memorial, Hanoi, Vietnam - Stock Image

The Vietnam War Memorial in Hanoi




The Truth about the Vietnam War

Bruce Herschensohn

Image result for Nguyen Cao Ky on Firing Line
Nguyen Cao Ky on TV in U. S. in 1975
Twenty Years and Twenty Days
Nguyen Cao Ky
Interview with William F. Buckley Jr. on Firing Line
Entire interview (59:26)
Nguyen Cao Ky
Interview (1981) (01:01:55)

Do You Remember Vietnam?
A Report by John Pilger
In Vietnam
Australian TV (1978)


Refugees from Communism 


To Know Us is to Love Us


About Vietnamese refugees in Arkansas

Australian TV



Boat People

Rescue Mission on the South China Sea

Millions of Vietnamese fled South Vietnam as the North Vietnamese took over the country. Many endured perilous voyages across pirate-infested seas to seek safety in other countries where they were often unwelcome. 





Vietnamese Boat People


The Price of Freedom


June 24, 1979


CBS-TV program 60 Minutes


The Boat People - Desperate Flight

ABC-TV news, July 23, 1979

Sea of Memory

A Vietnamese boat refugee recounts his ordeal


Being a refugee is not a choice


Carina Hoang 


TED - Perth, Australia


Uploaded in January 2015


30 avril 1975

La chute de Saïgon

Les brûlures de l'Histoire (1995)






Map indicates the point where war between China and Vietnam broke out in 1979. Other points indcate border wars with India (1962) and the Soviet Union (1969). 

The Sino-Vietnamese War
Third Indo-China War
In 1978, the Vietnamese expelled hundreds of thousands of Chinese inhabitants from Vietnam, forcing them to march north to China.
Many were killed and brutalized by the local population along the way.
China backed the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia and objected when the Vietnamese invaded Cambodia in December 1978 and forced the Khmer Rouge out of Phnom Penh into redoubts on the Thai border.
China objected also to the Vietnamese-installed puppet regime in Cambodia.
In January 1979, China invaded Vietnam, declaring its intention to protect the Chinese there and force the Vietnamese out of Cambodia.
There followed a long war between China and Vietnam along the Chinese-Vietnamese border that continued to 1990.
China-Vietnam War
French TV news broadcast, January 1979
Vietnam - Cambodia archive
Various film clips from 1979 - 1985
Chinese Vietnam War Veterans Complain of Government Neglect
China-Vietnam War 1979 - 1990
What do we learn from China's war with Vietnam?
February 17, 1979 - 1991
Lecture by Xiaoming Zhang

Vietnam-Cambodia War

1978 - 1989

The Last Battle
A Special Report by John Pilger
Australian TV (1995)
"The Last Battle" is a reference to the economic embargo placed on Vietnam by the U. S. in 1975 and lifted twenty years later in 1995.


Un ou deux Vietnam?

Le Dessous des Cartes

Jean-Christophe Victor sur Arte


2. ?



South China Sea Showdown
Ivan Watson
CNN News

Additional videos

Bob Hope

Christmas Special



The Anderson Platoon / La Section Anderson

A documentary film about the Vietnam War

By Pierre Schoendoerffer

The Anderson Platoon was led by a black soldier whose name was Joseph Benjamin Anderson

Released in Europe in 1966

Released in the U. S. in 1967

A French film crew led by Pierre Schoendeorffer was with the platoon in September and October 1966

En francais:


En anglais:


Map of Asia: Cambodia
Histoire Cartographique de l'Asie de Sud-Est en general et du Cambodge en particulier
Norodom Sihanouk  -  Prince, King,
President, Prime Minister, King-Father
of Cambodia
The Royal Family, 1921 - 1997
Documentary (1997?)
L’amiral Jean Decoux, gouverneur général de l'Indochine française, et Norodom Sihanouk aux funerailles du roi du Cambodge, Sisowath Monivong, grandpere de Sihanouk,
en septembre 1941
Coronation ceremonies for the new king of Cambodia, Sihanouk, in 1941
The French rulers of Indo-China preferred to have Norodom Sihanouk, age 18, as king of Cambodia rather than his father.
King Norodom Sihanouk:
Accession to the throne, 1941
Cambodia Independence 1953
In 1955 Sihanouk abdicated, in order to pursue politics, and his father became king.
Coronation of King Norodom Suramarit (father of Sihanouk), 1956
Archive Khmer
French President Charles De Gaulle and Sihanouk, Phnom Penh, 1966
General Ch. de GAULLE visit CAMBODIA 1966
La visite du Général de Gaulle
Famous speech of Gen. De Gaulle in Phnom Penh
September 1, 1966
American soldiers in Cambodia 1968
Before the coup in April 1970
Prince Sihanouk
Documentary on This Week (1969)
While Sihanouk was on a trip to Moscow in March 1970, his top subordinates in Cambodia deposed him as head of state and replaced him with his Prime Minister, Lon Nol.
General Lon Nol (1913 - 1985),
ousted Sihanouk in a military
coup d'etat in 1970 and ruled
the country till the Khmer Rouge
take-over in 1975.
Lon Nol was an ethnic Mon. 
Coup d'Etat against Viet Cong/Viet Minh
(3 clips)
President Nixon's Cambodia Incursion Address (1970)
American soldiers in Cambodia 1970
US troops, tanks leave Cambodia, 1970
Following the coup d'etat against him in 1970, Sihanouk formed a government-in-exile. He lived in China and North Korea from 1970 to 1975. He visited the Khmer Rouge in their Cambodian hideout and the two joined forces against Lon Nol.
Sihanouk, second from right, and Khieu Sampan, center 
Saloth Sar (Pol Pot/Brother # 1)
(1925 - 1998), top leader of the
Khmer Rouge (Red Khmer/
Cambodian Communists)
1976 - Pol Pot becomes Prime Minister in Cambodia.
Saloth Sar, (May 19, 1928 - April 15, 1998), widely known as Pol Pot, was the leader of the Cambodian communist movement known as the Khmer Rouge and was Prime Minister of Democratic Kampuchea from 1976–1979.
During his time in power, Pol Pot imposed a version of agrarian collectivization, forcing city dwellers to relocate to the countryside to work in collective farms and forced labour projects, toward a goal of “restarting civilization” in “Year Zero”. The combined effects of slave labour, malnutrition, poor medical care, and executions resulted in the deaths of an estimated 750,000 to 1.7 million people, approximately 26% of the Cambodian population
I knew Pol Pot
Documentary by Al Jazeera, January 28, 2008
(2 clips)
Part 1.
Part 2.
Les 9 Vies de Norodom Sihanouk
Uploaded as Norodom Sihanouk, la clef politique de l'emergence des Khmers rouges

Sihanouk, right, at meeting of Khmer Rouge leadership; from left to right: Ieng Sary, Hou Youn, Pol Pot, Hou Nim, Khieu Sampan, at Khmer Rouge headquarters, Cambodia, March 1973 


Hou Youn disappeared in April 1975.

Hou Nim was purged (and killed) in April 1977. 

From the left: Hou Yuon, Prince Sihanouk, Son Sen. Angkor Wat, 1973.: Executive 1975, Executive 1997, Yuon Executive, Sons Sen, Sen Executive, Hou Yuon, Norodom Sihanouk, Khmer Rouge, Angkor Wat

Hou Youn, Sihanouk, Son Sen (1973)


Prince Sihanouk in Cambodia (1973)

Silent black and white film footage



Phnom Penh encerclée par les Khmers Rouge



20130520-Fall of PP.jpg

Khmer Rouge soldiers (in truck) enter Phnom Penh on April 17, 1975


17 avril 1975  -   

Les Khmers Rouges ont vidé Phnom Penh

Documentaire (2015) avec Francois Ponchaud . . .


The Fall of Phnom Penh 1975

A documentary about French photographer Roland Neveu


Cambodia and Laos

One part of 13 from the documentary series VIETNAM: A Television History (1983,1997, 2004)

Presented on the American Experience TV program by WGBH-TV Boston and PBS-TV 


The Last Battle of the Vietnam War

The S. S. Mayaguez Incident (May 1975)


Episode from Real History


The Last Battle of Vietnam

American Legion



Remembering the Last Battle of Vietnam War

Koh Tang Beach Club

American Legion


The Mayaguez Incident

Three marines missing


Pol Pot

Pol Pot, Prime Minister, Democratic Kampuchea
(1975 – 1979)


Left to right: Ieng Sary, Pol Pot and Son Sen during an official visit to Pyongyang, North Korea in 1977


Following the Khmer Rouge takeover of Cambodia in April 1975, Sihanouk was head of state.

Sihanouk resigned in 1976. he was replaced by Khieu Samphan.

Sihanouk was placed under house arrest until January 1979. 




(2 clips)




The Killing Fields

1984 Hollywood movie about Cambodia during the Lon Nol and Khmer Rouge eras (advertisement)



The Killing Fields

Shortened version of 1984 movie in French


Haing S. Ngor

Winning Oscar for Best Supporting Actor



The Last Word


New York Times


Movie about the Khmer Rouge by King Norodom Sihanouk



Vietnam invades Cambodia, December 1979

Following the collapse of South Vietnam in April 1975, North Vietnamese surged into the south and more than a million South Vietnamese fled the country. Many Vietnamese, including native Khmers (Khmer Krom), were forced off their lands.

Claiming response to Khmer cross-border attacks on Vietnamese villages from eastern Cambodia, the Vietnamese army invaded Cambodia in early December 1978, pushing the Khmer Rouge into redoubts on the country's northern and western borders with Thailand.

The Vietnamese installed Khmer Rouge soldiers in revolt against their leaders as heads of  the Cambodian government.




Documentary (1979/80?)

(5 clips)







Hundreds of thousands of Cambodians fled to Thailand to escape the Vietnamese invasion.

Image result for Cambodian refugees in Thailand, escaping the Vietnamese invasion.

Cambodians in refugee camps in Thailand.


As Vietnamese soldiers swept across eastern Cambodia, Pol Pot sent Sihanouk to the United Nations in New York to plead for assistance against the Vietnamese invasion. 


Year Zero
The Silent Death of Cambodia
A report by John Pilger
Australian TV (1979)
Cambodia - Year One
A second report by John Pilger
Austalian TV (1980)
From the Killing Fields
Episode from the documentary series Peter Jennings Reporting (1988)

Cambodia  -  Year Ten
A report by John Pilger (1989)
Cambodia - Year Ten (Update)
A report by John Pilger (1989)
Site 2
Documentary film by Rithy Panh (1989) about the largest Cambodian refugee camp on the Thai border
Sihanouk headed a coalition of three armed resistance  forces opposed to the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia and the puppet Cambodian government:
- KPNLF (Buddhists/Lon Nol/Son San)
- FUNCIPEC (Royalists) and
- Khmer Rouge (ousted/exiled Cambodian government)
All resistance forces were based on the Thai border.

Cambodia - The Betrayal 
A report by John Pilger (1990)



Peace Accords - from right, Khieu Sampan (government-in-exile/Khmer Rouge), Hun Sen (Vietnamese-installed government), Norodom Sihanouk and Norodom Ranariddh (Royalists), Paris, November 1991


All sides signed the peace accords in Paris in November 1991.

The Vietnamese soldiers withdrew from Cambodia.

The United Nations sent a peace-keeping force (UNTAC) to supervise and assist government of the country.

Democratic elections, supervised by the U. N., were to be held in 1993.



Paris Peace Agreement, 23 October 1991


Sihanouk returns to Cambodia, November 1991

Dith Pran & Haing S. Ngor

Dith Pran, translator and photographer, was the subject of the 1984 movie, The Killing Fields, and portrayed by doctor and actor, Haing S. Ngor






Vietnamese army leaves Cambodia, 1992 - 1993

Withdrawal of Vietnamese Division from Cambodia




United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC)

International Peacekeeping force (1992 - 1993)



Speech by Yasushi Akashi, head of the UNTAC mission, at UNTAC headquarters in Cambodia in 1992


Cambodia held free and democratic elections in 1993, organized and supervised by the United Nations.


National Elections in Cambodia

Indian TV (1993) from beginning of upload to 07:15 mark


As widely expected, Prince Norodom Ranariddh, the second son of Sihanouk, won the most votes. His party won 45.5% of the total votes.

The party of the prime minister of the Vietnamese-installed Cambodian government, Hun Sen, a former Khmer Rouge cadre, received 38.2% of the vote.

Prince Ranariddh and Hun Sen agreed to form a coalition government.

But Hun Sen would not cede his position as prime minister.

Because Hun Sen had the backing of the Cambodian army, Ranariddh, concerned about the possibility of civil war, agreed to share the office of prime minister with him.

Thus, Ranariddh was called the first prime minister and Hun Sen was called the second prime minister. 



Image result for hun sen and ranariddh 1993 elections

Prince Norodom Ranaridh, left, winner of the 1993 national elections, which were supervised by the U. N.; Hun Sen, right, head of the Vietnamese-installed government, refused to cede the office of prime minister. The two formed a coalition government with two prime ministers   -   Ranariddh, first prime minister, and Hun Sen, second prime minister.  


Return to Year Zero

A report by John Pilger (1993)


Following the elections and the formation of a government, Prince Sihanouk agreed to be crowned king again and be Cambodia's head of state but without political power.


Le roi Sihanouk et Jayavarman VII (Brahmadatta), 1997



Cambodia's former king, Norodom Sihanouk


Cambodia's Killing Fields

Documentary about Cambodia from 1940 to early 1990s (1994?)


In the mid-1990s, the Khmer Rouge controlled several stretches of the Thai-Cambodian border and retained several thousands of soldiers.
In 1996, Pol Pot and Ieng Sary, the top two leaders of the Khmer Rouge, split.
Video of Ieng Sary press conferences 
Associated Press
Khmer Rouge loyal to Ieng Sary flee to Thailand
Following Ieng Sary's break with Pol Pot, the two sides fought
Associated Press 
Some Khmer Rouge leaders defected to the Cambodian government.
Associated Press
In 1997, Hun Sen led a coup d'état, ousting the prime minister, Ranariddh, and forcing him to flee the country.
Hun Sen has remained Cambodia's ruling prime minister and the country's strong man to this day.
Hun Sen sought to persuade Khmer Rouge leaders on the border to leave the jungle and join ranks.
Pol Pot's right-hand man, Son Sen, entered into negotiations with Hun Sen. 
To stem further defections and factionalism, Pol Pot ordered the death of his old comrade, Son Sen.

Son Sen

Pol Pot was arrested by another Khmer Rouge leader and old comrade, Ta Mok.

Pol Pot was to be tried for murder of Son Sen.

A few Thai and western journalists were invited to attend the trial, in Anlong Vieng, a Khmer Rouge border redoubt, This was a rare opportunity offered to the press to see Pol Pot, who had not been seen in public for 18 years.

A short show trial was conducted in Anlong Veng before local villagers in July 1997.
Pol Pot, in frail health, was criticized and placed under "house arrest" "for life" and left in the care of Ta Mok.
The Trial of Pol Pot
Ted Koppel, ABC News Nightline (1998)

The press made much about Pol Pot’s appearance before the press for the first time in many years.
The trial was intended by other Khmer Rouge leaders to show to the press and the public that Pol Pot and his followers were no longer in power. They had been purged.

Stalin, Hitler, Mao and Pol Pot?

Pol Pot
Secret Killer
Episode from the documentary series Biography (1998)



Some in the press had hoped that Pol Pot would be held to account for the deaths of two million Cambodians during the rule of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia from 1975 to 1979.


Thus, several months after the show trial, in October 1997, a western journalist and a western photographer were invited back to Anlong Veng to interview Pol Pot. Khmer translators were present.


Pol Pot recalled that the revolution had not worked out as hoped and denied responsibility for the deaths of many Cambodians during the Khmer Rouge leadership of the country from 1975 to 1979. The killing was the work of lower cadres.


Brief excerpts from the interview, uploaded by a blogger (07:14):

Pol Pot died in 1998


Les Khmer Rouges

Pouvoir et Terreur


Le Mystère Pol Pot







The Khmer Rouge Tribunal

Explained in 7 minutes



Looking back at the Khmer Rouge revolution  

Australian TV (2010)





Bust of Pol Pot made by prisoners of Tuol Sleng in Phnom Penh



Tuol Sleng Prison


Add documentary link here



Kaing Guek Eav (alias Duch)

In charge of Tuol Sleng Prison during Khmer Rouge rule of Cambodia 


The Crimes of Comrade Duch

Australian TV (ca. 2007)

Among the many thousands of Cambodians killed in Tuol Sleng were two Australian yachtsmen


Former Khmer Rouge chief under spotlight

Australian TV (2009)


Irish photographer recalls 'finding' Khmer Rouge torturer



Khmer Rouge Tribunal verdict

26 July 2010


Cambodia: Khmer Rouge prison chief 'Duch' found guilty

France 24






Four Khmer Rouge Leaders Charged with Genocide






Ieng Sary


Brief Biography


Case 002: Ieng Sary

13 Dec 2011


Khmer Rouge Co-Founder Dies Before Trial Concludes






Nuon Chea


Nuon Chea

# 2 leader of the Khmers Rouges

Journeyman Pictures (28:20)


Enemies of the People

Advertisement for 2010 documentary film






Khieu Sampan




Khieu Samphan prefers silence 

9 July 2013 





Cambodian Tribunal Convicts Khmer Rouge Leaders

Cambodian court finds Khmer Rouge leaders Nuon Chea, # 2 leader of the Khmer Rouge, and Khieu Sampan, president of Cambodia during Khmer Rouge rule, guilty of crimes against humanity and sentences them to life in prison.

Associated Press, August 7, 2014


Appeal by Khmer Rouge leaders overruled

23 November 2016







King Norodom Sihamoni


** FILE ** Cambodia's King Norodom Sihanouk (left) introduces his son and successor, King Norodom Sihamoni, upon their arrival at Phnom Penh airport in Cambodia in 2004. (AP Photo/Andy Eames)

Sihanouk presents his son Sihamoni


In 2004, King Sihanouk abdicated in favor of his son Sihamoni.  






                Pre Vihear

Pre Vihear  



Pre Vihear is an ancient Hindu temple built by the Khmers  in the A. D. 900s on a cliff-top in the Dangrek mountains. 

Pre Vihear is the second-most sacred temple of the Khmers. The first is Angkor Wat.

In the early 1200s, a powerful Khmer Empire occupied most of the Southeast Asian mainland. As the Mongols pressed down from the north, the Cham, Viet and Tai battered the Khmers and pushed back the frontiers.

The Siamese took the Khmer capitol Angkor in 1431.

The Siamese took Pre Vihear in 1795.

French colonists, arriving in Indo-China in 1863, took everything back from the Siamese by the early 1900s.

After the defeat of the French by the Germans in Europe in June 1940, the Thais, with the support of Germany's Axis partner, Japan, took back the northern and western Khmer provinces.

Following the Japanese defeat in August 1945, the French got everything back in 1946.

In 1953, the French granted Cambodia independence.

The Thais then reclaimed Pre Vihear, which they call Pra Viharn, and Thai soldiers occupied it.

The Cambodians appealed to the United Nation's International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Hague in the Netherlands.

In 1962, the ICJ awarded the temple to the Cambodians and the Thais had to leave it.

In the early 2000s, the Thai prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, agreed to a Cambodian request for Thailand to relinquish claims to the promontory on the cliff-top on which the temple stands so Cambodia could qualifty the temple for UNESCO protection as a World Heritage site.

But In 2008 this plan was turned into a political issue by Thaksin's opponents to discredit him. He was called a traitor. The Thais renewed claims that the temple belonged to Thailand.

Shooting erupted between the two sides at several spots along the border.

In 2011, the Cambodians asked the ICJ to clarify its 1962 decision.

The ICJ awarded the promontory to Cambodia on November 11, 2013.

Disputed Temple Preah Vihear Is Cambodian
Thai Troops ordered to withdraw From Preah Vihear temple
Cambodian television replay of ICJ ruling with Khmer translation:
Last six minutes of telecast of ICJ ruling, without Khmer translation: 

Today, both Cambodia and Thailand claim the ancient Khmer temples of Sdok Kok Thom, Ta Meun Thom and Ta Sawai. The temples are on   -   or close to   -   the disputed border line between the two countries.  


Related image
Indochina before 1954
Areas in Laos annexed by Thailand from
1941 to 1946
King Sisavang Vong
Image result for sisavang vong laos
King Sisavang Vong (1885 - 1959), 
King of Luang Phrabang (1904 - 1945),
King of Laos (1946 - 1959).
King Sisavang Vong on
1951 Laotian postage stamp
Image result for king of laos sisavang vong
1952 postage stamp
King Savang Vatthana

Image result for king of laos

King Savang Vatthana (1907 - 1978/1980/1984), King of Laos (1949 - 1975)







The Last King of Laos




The Geneva Accords


Carte limites accords de Genève

The Pathet Lao in Sam Neua and Phong Saly remained in place after the Geneva Accords.




The Lao Hmong and the French Foreign Legion 


Includes footage of Hmong leader Touby Lyfoung 




Tom Dooley

Image result for tom dooley

Thomas Dooley (1927 - 1961), an Americcan 
medical doctor in Laos from 1954 to 1959. 
Dr. Tom Dooley
Muang Sing, Laos
or the same in four clips:
Civil Air Transport (CAT)
Laos 1959
Air America
The C. I. A.'s Secret Airline
Episode from the documentary series History Undercover (2000)

Pop Buell
Image result for Pop Buell

Edgar ("Pop") Buell (Indiana 1913 - Philippines 1980). Buell was in Laos from 1960 to 1974. Buell went to Laos with the private International Voluntary Services Inc. (IVS) to develope agriculture among the Hmong. Buell eventually managed humanitarian relief to the Hmong for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). He left Laos in 1974 and lived in Bangkok until his death in 1980.
Edgar "Pop" Buell with the Hmong in Laos
Pop Buell
Hoosier at the Front
Episode from documentary series The Twentieth Century with Walter Cronkite (1965)
Slide show

Ho Chi Minh Trail







Kong Le (1934 - 2014), army captain, led neutralists


time magazine kongle

Kong Le on the cover of Time Magazine


Short biographical account


Kong Le's Coup d'Etat

August 1960


Kong Le

Silent film footage

Silent film footage


The Counter-Coup by Phoumi Nosavan

Retakes Vientiane

December 1960


Kong Le's neutralist army and the Pathet Lao unite to fight the Royal Lao government 





Soviets and PR China flew arms and other supplies to the Viet-Minh and Pathet Lao in northern Laos. The country was on the verge of a big civil war.



Image result for the laos crisis - 1961
The Yuma Daily Sun, March 23, 1961
Laos Crisis
World Peace Threatened
Universal-International News
Threat to Peace
World Watches Crisis in Laos
Universal-International News
Image result for Laos crisis 1961 - map
President Kennedy speaks about the crisis in Laos at a press confernece in Washington, D. C., on March 23, 1961. The dark areas on the map indicate the most recent phase of growing Communist influence or control in northern Laos.
President Kennedy's 8th Press Conference
March 23, 1961
Entire press conference
Laos Crisis
Voice Peace Hopes
Universal-International News
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko meets
President Kennedy in White House
March 27, 1961
The Laos Crisis
British Movietone
International Conference on the Settlement of the Laotian Question
May 16, 1961 - July 23, 1962
International Agreement on the Neutrality of Laos
July 9 and 23, 1962
Agreement among Burma, Cambodia, Canada, France, India, Laos, North Vietnam, Poland, PR China, South Vietnam, Thailand, UK, USA and USSR.
- All to respect Laotian neutrality
- None to interfere in Laotian internal affairs
- None to enter into a military alliance with Laos
- None to establish military bases in Laos
The Laotians formed a coalition government with three factions
Phoumi Nosavan, pro-American
Prince Souphanouvong, pro-Communist
Prince Souvanna Phouma, neutralist
Peace at Last?
Eyes of the World on Laos after
Coalition Pact
News of the Day
Peace in Laos
Factions Form New Alliance
Universal-International News
The Country with Three Heads
Movietone News

Image result for prince souvannaphong

Prince Souphanouvong ("The Red Prince") (1909 - 1995), head of the Communist Pathet Lao.


Image result for khamtai siphandon - Pathet Lao

Khamtai Siphandon, leader of the Pahet Lao military 




Prince Souvanna Phouma

Prince Souvanna Phouma (1901 - 1984), leader of the government/royalists/neutralists


Press conference, Paris 1966





Related image

Phoumi Nosavan (1920 - 1985), led the pro-western faction 






Image result for Vang Pao 1971

Vang Pao


Image result for Vang Pao 1961

Vang Pao in the Pa Dong in 1961


Image result for Bill Lair - CIA Laos 1960

James William ("Bill") Lair  (1924 - 2014), CIA paramilitary in Thailand from 1951 to 1960; in Laos from 1960 to 1968, in Thailand from 1968 to 1976.

In the above photo, taken in 1963, Lair, a colonel of the Thai Police Aerial Reinforcement Unit (PARU), appears in uniform.


Related image

Tony Poe, CIA liaison with

Vang Pao, 1961 - 1962


Image result for vang pao and william young

William Young, CIA

liaison with Vang Pao,

1962 - 1963


A telephone conversation between President Kennedy and Averell Harriman.




International Agreement on the Neutrality of Laos

Geneva, 1961 - 1962

Laos to be neutral

Signing, 22 July 1962




The Pathet Lao

Documentary about the life of the Pathet Lao in Sam Neua filmed by a Japanese crew in 1966



The War in Laos

1966 episode from Frontline Vietnam


Image result for The Ravens - Laos -


The Ravens

Documentary (2002)


Phu Pha Thi


CIA radar site established on Phu Pha Thi in 1966 directed more than half of US boming sorties against targets in Laos and North Vietnam until it was captured by North Vietamese soldiers in 1968.  


Missions of the CIA

History Channel documentary

Or in 2 clips:




One Day Too Long

Phu Pha Thi

Top Secret Site 85


Lecture by Timothy Castle (1999)


The Hmong on Phu Pha Thi


Image result for 1962 geneva accords - laos


Laos in 1970




Image result for Vang Pao 1954


General Vang Pao



1970 documentary about Laos (12 min.)
The Not So Secret War
CBS News
1970 American TV documentary program about the Laotian Civil War, North Vietnamese infiltration, the communist Pathet Lao, the Hmong and CIA-backing.
24 min. 20 sec.


The Forgotten War


29 min. incomplete upload

Cambodia and Laos
Episode from the documentary series Vietnam - A Television History
General Vang Pao Memorial
CIA Agent William Lair (2011)
Les Oubliés

Documentaire (2007)

Hmong in Laos in 2003






Without American support, Laos fell to the Vietnamese-backed Laotian communists in December 1975 





In 3 clips






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Kaysone Phomvihane


Image result for Kaysone Phomvihane


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Related image

UXO in Laos



The Forgotten War in Laos

The Deadly UXO Legacy

1996 documentary


US Cluster Bomb Legacy in Laos 

Journeyman documentary (2014)

Documentary (53:34)


The Secret War

ABC News


Why Laos was Bombed

Mike Buddington

TED Lan Xang Avenue





The Chinese Drawn to Laos

Japanese documentary 

Uploaded 2016


China's enclave in the Golden Triangle

Al Jazeera documentary

Uploaded 2017







Henry Kissinger
Interview by Stanley Karnow
WGBH-TV Boston

The Korean and Vietnam Wars
Victor Davis Hanson

Apocalypse Now
The most popular Vietnam War flic

Hollywood made many movies about the Vietnam War.

The most famous and most popular was Apocalypse Now, filmed in 1976 and released in 1979


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Marlon Brando portrayed Col. Walter E. Kurtz


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Image result for marlon brando apocalypse now



Excerpt (famous scene):

The movie (Director's cut, 3 hrs. 14 min.  -  49 min. longer than the original release):

First three minutes of film:

First 7 1/2 min.


Image result for marlon brando apocalypse now LIFE June 1979

Life, June 19, 1979


Col. Kurtz

The story of a Col. Kurtz goes back quite a ways.


Related image

Time Magazine issue of July 19, 1968 with Col. Walter E. Kurtz on the cover.


Was there a Col. Kurtz? Or someone like him?

The story in the movie is based in part on the story recounted by Joseph Conrad in his 1899 novel Heart of Darkness. The character of Col. Kurtz in the movie Apocalypse Now is based on the character of Kurtz, an ivory trader in the Belgian Congo, in Conrad's novel.   

Many thought there was a real-life Col. Kurtz in the Vietnam War.

The director claimed the character was loosely based on Robert Bradley Rheault, a Green Beret in Vietnam.

Some thought it was John Paul Vann. 

Some thought it was an American CIA paramilitary advisor, Antony A. Poshepny (Tony Poe).

Poe was stationed in the Mien village of Nam Yu, a transfer point on an old Burma-Laos opium caravan trail in northwestern Laos in 1962. Poe recruited, trained and led guerrillas against the Communist Pathet Lao. 


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Tony Poe with the marines in WW2


Related image

Poe with the CIA in Laos, 1961 - 1963


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Image result for Tony Poe

Poe in California 1992 - 2003 


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Tony Poe (1924 - 2003)






Missing Soldier Found in Vietnam 44 Years Later
Maybe Not
Prisoners of War Betrayed
2007 documentary (50 min.)

The Wall   -   The Vietnam Veterans Memorial on the Mall in Washington D. C.

General Vang Pao, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Washington, D. C., in 2000





Vietnam and Algeria
Lecture # 21 of the course France Since 1871 by John Merriman at Yale University in the fall semester of 2007
1. Decolonization after the Second World War (1945 -  )
2. Vietnamese independence: Ho Chi Minh and the Vietminh (1945 - )
3. The Algerian Case: The Colons versus the Front de Libération Nationale
4. The fight for North Africa: Rise of right-wing military control
5. De Gaulle's return to power (1958): Betrayal of the army, the exit from Algeria (1962)
You Tube:
Yale U.:






L'Algérie dans l'impasse

Le dessous des cartes


Les Hommes Libres

Documentaire avec Farid Bouchama (58:17)


La génétique et les Berbères

Bernard Lugan

Radio Courtoisie


Histoire des Berberes

Aves Bernard Lugan

ou en deux parties







Esclaves Blancs

Maitres Musulmans

Danish documentary series about the pirates and slave traders of the Barbary Coast from 1516 to 1830.

The Barbary Coast (or Berber Coast) spreads across the coasts of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya.

The pirates raided ships and coastal villages in the Mediterranean and North Atlantic.

Narrated in French

Three episodes


3. Le Prisonier Cervantes


1.  Aux Mains des Barbaresques


2. Pirates de Méditerranée



The Barbary Pirates

MId-1700s - early 1800s

Dubbed in French





La colonisation française en Algérie

Le Dessous des Cartes


Abd el-Kader

2000 ans d'histoire sur France Inter le 03 septembre 2008


Abd el-Kader

à Amboise

Le prisonnier tant aimé

1848 - 1852





Armée d'Afrique
Centenaire de la conquête de l'Algérie
12 avril 1930
Hearst Metrotone News
Centenaire de la conquête de l'Algérie
5 mai 1930
Promenades autour d'Alger
Côte de Turquoise et Blida (1930)
Days of Glory (Indigènes)
2006 French-Algerian movie about the French Armée d'Afrique   -   Algerians, Moroccans, Senegalese . . .
or, with English sub-titles:


L'autre 8 mai 1945

Les massacres répressifs à Sétif en 8 mai 1945
Témoignages sur les massacres 8 mai 45
Sétif, Guelma, Kherrata
Documentaire (2014)

Mon Algerie
Alger en 1950
Reportage en Couleur
Le Port d'Alger
Algerie (1954 - 1962)
Guerre d’Algerie
La Dechirure
Documentaire en deux parties sur la guerre d'Algérie de 1945 à 1962
La Guerre d'Algérie

Documentaire en cinque parties (1984)


1. Les chemins de la rébellion

La naisance du FLN . . .



2. Un Problème de Conscience



3. “Je vous ai compris!”

De Gaulle



4. “Aux Barricades!”

Le coup d'état des généraux en 1961



5. La Valise ou le Cerceuil




La Guerre d'Algérie

Documentaire (1984)

Parties 1, 2 et 3

1954 - 1959

La naisance du FLN . . .


Parties 4 et 5

Le coup d'état des généraux, l'OAS, l'exode . .

Charles De Gaulle and the Six-Year Algerian War

1960 American documentary
De Gaulle
Le retour
13 mai 1958
Documentaire (1998)
Les Brulures de l’Histoire
VEC Jacques Chaban-Delmas, Léon Delbecque, Lucien Neuwirth . . . 
Je vous ai compris!
De Gaulle 1958 - 1962
Docu-fiction de Serge Moati en 2010
Le dernier bal de la 4e république

Documentaire (1:19:29)

De Gaulle et l'Algérie
Le prix du pouvoir
Documentaire (2010)
Algérie entre 1958 et 1962



In a referendum on 8 January 1961 the electorate in France and Algeria approved Algerian self-determination.


L'O. A. S.

Organisation Armée Secrète

January 1961 - 1965


De Gaulle et l'OAS

Documentaire (1990)


L'OAS raconte l'OAS

Documentaire (2011)


Le Putsch des Généraux

Le Putsch d’Alger

21 avril 1961

Au cœur de l’histoire sur Europe 1

Les quatre généraux Maurice Challe, Edmond Jouhaud, Raoul Salan et André Zeller



Le Putsch des Généraux en 1961


De Gaulle et l'Algérie

2000 ans d'histoire


Filmer la guerre d'Algerie

1er partie

2em partie



Les Deux Soldats

L’histoire vraie de deux jeunes Français militaires


The French electorate votes for Algerian independence on 8 April 1962.

The Algerian electorate votes for independence on 1 July 1962.



2 juillet 1962

Interviews avec des Algerienes et Pieds-Noirs
De Gaulle declares the independence of Algeria on 3 July 1962. Proclaimed on 5 July 1962.
Été 62
Une independance aux deux visages
Documentaire complet (53:28)

Uneasy Algeria

Seek end to rift among leaders

1962 newsreel

Quand l'Algerie était française
1954 - 1962
Documentaire (1:58:51)

Attentat contre De Gaulle

22 Aout 1962

Assassination attempt against De Gaulle fails

Italian recreation


Attentat Petit Clamart

22 août 1962


Attentat De Gaulle

2000 ans d'histoire

La Bataille d'Alger
Film de Gillo Pontecorvo en 1966 (2:01:33)
Petit documentaire instructif
Le Général Massu
Interview en 1971
1954 - 1962
Ma guerre d'Algérie
Avec le general Bigeard
Documentaire (1994)

The French in Algeria 

Al Jazeera documentary




Les Harkis






Les Harkis

Trois épisodes de la serie L'Histoire Oubliée

1 (4). L'enrôlement

2 (5). L'abandon

3 (6). Les fils de l'oubli


Histoire d'un abandon



La Tragedie des Harkis

Documentaire (2:16:02)




The Algerian National Assembly proclaims the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria on September 25, 1962


Ben Bella

         coup d'etat 1965       

              Houari Boumediene




Algérie 10 ans après

L' Algérie des Algériens 1972


2° partie

L'Algérie des français

3° partie

L'Algérie d'aujourd'hui





La Mecque des révolutionnaires

1962 - 1974

Documentaire ARTE (2017)



Le Maroc
Soldat marocain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale

Les Goumiers Marocains

No. 3 d-une serie L'Histoire Oubliee


D'un pays à l'autre, les anciens combattants marocains









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